Aug 22, 2007 21:21
I've been struggling with some fundamental political/philosophical issues. Not political in terms of quotidian politics, but the very structure of government itself. Inevitably, I resign myself to the 'necessary evil' sentiment, but I resent the hell out of it. I don't like that we as a society are more or less content with the status quo. Most of it, I believe, it is due to something Mr. Fisher enumerated in our civics class so long ago. I don't have the list (and I have recently hoped to find it when I was throwing out old papers), but it consisted of several things the government counts on to keep you busy, that is, for the public to not scrutinize their behavior. Among these were sports, music, movies, television, various, other pop culture entities, family, religion, your job career, etc. Perhaps these were not institutionalized to this aim, but they so perform the function nonetheless. As the government itself it seems a necessary evil. But I do think that it is easy to exploit this things for whatever reason. As such, it becomes more and more believable that its easy for a select few in power to manipulate these for their advantages, be they political or economical entities. Which leads me to my next thing. The entire world seems a giant pyramid scam. This is very noticeable in capitalistic structures. Corportions for instance depend on millions of cheap laborers, but as you make more and more money and have more and more power, your peers are fewer and fewer. Most government structures are this way as well, but there of course checks and balances in place, but it is easy to get around. Communists seem to think they are free from this, but its just as prevalent there, and perhaps there it is a select few who share the power and money. They claim that religion is the opiate of the masses, which it certainly can be, but I think the nationalist they impose is just the same. While i do despise their ideas on economics and their vulnerability to totalitarianism, they were right about all of the vices of capitalists. The problem is they provided no effective resolution. These things and more make me believe more and more that it's just not going to work. Freedom as we call it is a compromise. It may be necessary, but we're now so far removed from those pure ideals that the roles of governmental institutions have taken on has expanded tremendously. Now we worry about social welfare and whatever that entails. Sure the spirit is admirable, but all the while the machine grows. It's too large as far as I'm concerned. It really has gotten way out of hand. Alas, there really is no easy way around it. There are solutions, but these are too radical. And its not inherently the foibles of the system that corrupt it. It is the minds and heart of men. So any construct of human beings will succumb to this, if the body is large enough. And the larger the body, the greater its influence on a greater number of people, and the more likely and readily it will betray its ideals. It's just not going to work. This species is not prepared to have its members govern the populace. But of course, all this is just a rant right? It's just venting crazy opinions; political angsts from one member of the lesser classes. Typical and expected . So let's get back to the more important matters at hand like redistricting, gun laws, and tax cuts. After all, these are the things that currently affect our lives.
ramble on,
my 2¢