My Affair With Iveth

Apr 15, 2007 10:32

Very few things have challenged physics' seat as the vocational calling in my life. The only thing that's come close is music. Now that I am studying it more diligently, I wonder. Giving up the former is not an option to me, but not having more vigorously pursued the guitar is regrettable. It really was one of those childhood dreams, but even then I stopped short of fancying it a career. Why? Talent may be a short answer. But even gifted with that, I wouldn't want to 'use' it to live off of. I would be much more happy and at peace with myself leaving it as a hobby; a passion disconnected from the monetary infection. The physics, in this regard, is slightly more marketable also. Lately however, I've had a resurgent desire to take it further than I would have committed to earlier in my life. So far it's been a lot of fun, and I can't really see myself stopping. Again, I'd hesitate to make it a job, but it'd be nice to be that good. And that's exactly my goal. As with most things in life, I'd rather have the choice and not be limited by a lack of ability. So here's to rekindled love!


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