Biba's / One's a meal is/has moving/moved! No longer will G(r)eek Village be home to Waffle Boy based conversations. I waked by the police station on Westheimer today and noticed the old Rouge building had an OPEN sign blinking in the window and hastily pasted 'Ones A Meal' signs. (It did not list Biba's in the signage, so for a moment I wondered if they were spinning off the venerable Americana menu so that Greek food lovers could finally eat in peace again.)
For those not in the know, long ago One's A Meal anchored West Gray next to the River Oaks Theatre. It was managed by the same folks who ran Biba's. Back when I was in high school One's A Meal was a traditional 24 hour Americana diner establishment that catered to movie theatre crowds, as well as being a good greasy spoon for hungry folks coming out of the clubs and bars. It was the kind of place with jell-o and cereal boxes displayed proudly near the register and big cushy booths to sit in.
Biba's has always served quality Greek and Mediterranean food further down West Gray. When One's A Meal closed Biba's changed to a 24 hour restaurant and added One's A Meal's menus to their fare. This meant that I could walk into a fancy Greek restaurant, sit down, look the Maître de in the eye, and order a coke and a waffle from the 'secret' diner menu (those menus were usually not set out before 10pm).
John Katsimikis is the man you see when you walk into Biba's. He has a history of giving customers a hard time, and knowing every customer who has ever walked into Biba's. He's a bit of a Houston landmark himself. Anyone who's been to his restaurant has stories about him. He likes to argue with customers about what they want to eat, and he recalls everyone's previous orders.
When a guy like me pulls a trick like ordering a waffle and nothing else John takes note. He knew the crowd I hung with. Usually I was there with our regular gang of ne'erdowells. Even years after I'd moved to LA anyone who knew me would be asked by John where Waffle Boy was. At one point after my return I think John called me me Waffle King (quite an upgrade). My son is now the "little waffle boy".
I'm curious to see how the new digs suit the restaurant, and if they still have the odd mix of two restaurants co-existing uneasily.