Just four years ago I had seen 2/3 of the films in
the IMDB worst 100. Looking over the current list ... I have seen only 24 of these turkeys! My taste is improving, or films are getting worse. Actually, films are just getting worse.
More than half of the current IMDB worst 100 were made in the last eight years. That's impressive considering that all 100 years of cinema history are represented in the IMDB, with bad films going back as far as 1952's "Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla".
"Disaster Movie" has rocketed to the #1 worst film in record time! One reviewer on IMDB said of it: "I would rather be forced into a 24 hour "Manos: The Hands of Fate" marathon than watch this slop." Most of the old MST3K staff still use Manos as the metric of worst film. Only on a few occasions have any of them felt they found something profoundly worse.
When they do they tend to blog about it. Here's how bad the latest crop of films has gotten: "It's Pat" is almost off of the worst 100 at this point. It stands guard as the 100th worst film ever. I've seen "It's Pat". Houston was a test market for the film. It was our job to protect the world from that movie by getting it as small a final release as possible. We did pretty well. "Plan 9 from Outer Space", which really IS that bad, can't even make the cut any more!. (I think too many people have given it ironic 5 star ratings.)
I now either need to start watching a bunch of really crappy 21st century films or give up my title as crap cinema junkie extra-ordinaire.