Jan 17, 2017 09:50
Well, rather I checked to see that it's still here, and it is... big whoopee... not.
And congrats to myself for remembering my password possibly because I only use 4 easy to remember passwords throughout
teh internets, except for yahoo, because yahoo now demands updating passwords and has made me come up with some
crazy monsters with Caps and numbers and !@#$%^&*()_+ in order to get it accepted.
Spell-checker seems to be gone here unless it's a preview spell-check, we'll see.
As always life sucks king kong balls and since I last log on here time has spun at a blindingly decripid slow pace frought
with periods of drudgery labor tasks.
My old Dell Latitude D620 tanked 18 months ago when Windows threw the XP OS under teh bus without update support. I
complained, and Dell merely directed me to their web-page to shop for a new PC, the god dam sods. Afterwards I accidentally
found out about the free Linux OS and made a BIOS bootable USB loaded with Linux Ubuntu 14.04 and it was happy days
on-line again. I found my Linux fix and prepaired it at my free library 1 hour log-on a day. Three weeks later the fucking
library called me and banned me from their PCs for bad on-line history during my log-on OMG. Turns out that their alarm was jammed at the chief librarian desk was the only reason I got away with downloading those Linux .exe files. I told them to fuck-off for overracting as if I was viewing underage girl porn at their shrine, the god dam fuckers!
Anyway, that was cool, as nothing was wrong with that Dell at all. But there was the bugaboo of me not being able to get a Bitorrent client installed in its Linux system god dam it, so it was a long 18 months of being locked out of downloading at thepiratebay.cr dam it to hell.
I'd about forgot about that woe, when in the past Dec my mom had me make video clips of our Christmas lights. I couldn't
edit and string the clips together and paste a x-mas tune mp3 on it because fucking Linux don't have a video editor and wouldn't let me download WMM... because of the god dam shortcoming of Linux not dealing with .exe files.
That got me also thinking wistfully of the good old days of my thieving ways at thepiratebay.cr, and the hunt was on for a Windows PC. Got a refurbished HP ProBook 6565b with a clean Windows 10 pre booted at eBay for god dam $85 no tax or shipping fer-cryin'-out-loud. It has 6 gig ram and 140 available gig on the drive. I thought surely it would have a cracked screen and pancake syrup caked keyboard at that price, but no it's pristine except for a bit of worker cubicle rage scuffs on the top lid.
It's crazy how any poor folk would go in debt buying a new PC with these mass lease reclaim PC getting dumbed on eBay by liscensed Windows refurbisher joints. HP certainly didn't want much for this after the lease was up, and much thanks to Windows for giving up the Windows 10 OS on the cheap, too. Hell's bells this here HP was a Vista in its virgin state years ago
and I'd not touched for even $85 being Vista goes "unsupported" in March of this year.
Anyway, good on me. This poor, lonely internet troll finally got a good break in life.