Mar 02, 2010 19:43
Do you ever get that thing where you have an idea for a fic and you really want to write it but you procrastinate too much, and it never gets written? Well, I'm having that right now *grumbles*
I wanted to write something just before Christmas, and then I started to think more about it. Then is changed around a bit so I thought "Hmm, I'll write that instead" and I never did! Unacceptable! I have this terrible habit for starting things then just giving up on them, I really am rubbish like that. Well, the reason for this rant is because the ideas are coming back with a vengeance and I MUST write them! I am going away on on Friday for two weeks and figured this would be a good idea to actually get my sometimes creative arse in gear. I've never written on a plane....
Other things in the "Highly tedious life of Lou": I finished The Losers at work (finally) yesterday, and it made me sad. In a good way though, that comic is very sexy. I got Vicious Circle (2nd Felix Castor book ya know) and Popgun vol 4 for readies on the way to the airport on Thursday. Yep, I'm gonna need a bigger bag! I'm gonna miss my kitties while I'm away, but I'm taking my laptop with me so I can watch Lost while I'm away ^_^
My gold ticket for Echo-1 arrived yesterday! Eeeeeeeeh, I'm so excited! I may hide in a corner when I get there though. The idea of being in the same building as Mark Sheppard is....awesome and terribly scary.
conventions are fun