Nov 25, 2005 01:53
I am thankful for beautiful women. Especially those that give me the time of day.
I am thankful for beer, because it makes me happy. It also gives me hiccups, which I find absolutely hilarious.
I am thankful for my friends, for without them, beer would be my only friend. Wait, that's not a valid reason.
I am thankful for my family, for without them, I would not have to sneak around for a cigarette, nor would I receive the same t-shirt two years in a row for Christmas. But yeah, I really do love all of them.
I am thankful for religion, for without it, too many people would have too much time on their hands and would eventually notice that I am a dastardly scoundrel.
I am thankful for the Internet, for without it, I would have one less source of great entertainment. Who's up for HotorNot searches?
I am thankful for my shoes, for without them, my feet would be dirty.
I am thankful for New Orleans, because....I'm not even going to start.
I am thankful for my insomnia-like ways, for without them, I would never have gems such as the one you are reading right now.
Goodnight, all.
Sweet dreams.