New XServer

Aug 13, 2007 20:48

Got the XServe up and running today. Man, is that fucker loud! I can barely hear in my right ear today because of this new beast. I am definitely not going to be sitting next to this thing everyday without some serious ear protection.

Windows SBS 2003 is pissing me off. I will be replacing it with said beast above. I stopped by Home Depot and got some ear plugs and a headset too. Saw 'Stardust' last night with S., E., and C.. That was fun. Claire Danes looked a little weird since they bleached out her eyebrows ( ( I needed this explained to me ).

Finally figured out why the previews for Beowulf look all tweaked, it's because they CGI'd the *whole* thing. Why? Virtual Angelina breasts? And to figure out a cure for dead-doll-eyes from computer gens....

Damn! My ear hurts. Spent most of the day trying to figure out why all the Mac print jobs sent to the DC just go bye-bye. Maybe I am missing a firewall rule or three.

The project still continues with no results ( yet ). Sister called, offered me a free ticket to fly down to Kali. On frakking SouthWest, blech. I think I might splurge and go Alaska.

One of these days, will get around to attending Pa Kua class in the park. One of these days....

loud servers, die, microsoft, xserve

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