Oct 23, 2009 02:00
Just got back from the emergency vet. We're not sure what happened exactly, but Louie has lots of scrapes on his undercarriage, and several puncture wounds. And he won't put any weight on his right rear foot. Also he had shat himself also. The ER vet isn't sure what happened but all we can figure is something attacked him. He'll be okay though and got some pain meds and antibiotics, but that doesn't answer the question of what happened.
Sequence of events: We leave house. We come back after about an 1 hour. Leon arrived sometime during that hour to find 3 separate poopy presents for us. Leon puts Louie outside and locks him out with Kobe. We come back and let Louie back in. He doesn't come through doggie door-which is half raised-but has to come in through people door. He is noticeably limping. When I check him out, I pick him up and notice that he's poopy all over his backside. Decide he needs a bath. In bath notice all the redness and punctures. Then dry him off, decide he looks pathetic and take him to vet, and get above diagnosis.
So was it a rat, raccoon, cat, possum or did he scrape himself up somehow. Took a survey with a flashlight of the backyard, thinking if it was an attack, that Kobe probably dispatched whatever it was. He's killed a raccoon before back there so this isn't an idle thought. Didn't see anything tonight, but we'll look tomorrow in the daylight.
For now Louie is resting comfortably next to me after his very traumatic day. Poor little guy!!