Jul 19, 2004 01:51
I've been thinking alot lately about a strange phenomenom that seems to be prevelent in American Society as we speak. I'm talking about all of the fake smiles, redundant greetings, and our passion to save our tongue if we are afraid it may hurt someone's feelings. This has really irritated me lately. Not only because I see it everyday, but also because I do it everyday. I truly wish everyone would just say what they are thinking regardless. Now there are definetely limits to be set on this request like for example if someone has passed away and he/she was a real bare bones jerk. You can keep that to yourself. But all of the petty, less than substantial scenarios should be talked about more often. People cannot even express their honest feelings towards one another anymore, because they are afraid of what the other person is thinking. If that is the case, then just ask them what they are thinking.
I urge anyone out there to try it for one day. Be totally honest with everyone. You may come off as rude, but that is just because people are not used to it. I wished I would have done it one day when I saw a girl who broke my friends heart by cheating on him and never giving him closure. I just sat there by her and didn't say a peep and it really drove me crazy. I should have said something.
Another question for anyone out there. Would you consider me Dodgy? Hmmm.. makes me think.
"I lie in person, and on the phone, I lie to my friends. I lie to newspapers and magazines who sell my lies to more and more people. I, I, I'm just a part of a big cycle of lies, I should be fuckin' president."