Title: HeartBreak Warfare - Chapter 2/10
Author: Qualli
Pairing: Kurt/Karofsky
Rating: PG13
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Agst
Warning: Language, Violence
Spoilers: up to 2x06, splits from there into an AU
Disclaimer: Not mine. No profit
Notes: Thanks to got2lovemel for the wonderful beta!
Summary: After a horrible accident, Kurt finds himself with an unlikely protector.
Chapter 2
"I didn't mean to kill you."
Dave had barely rolled the window down and already he had ruined it. He had figured strong and silent would work. But it was hard to be tough when you were being stared down by Kurt Hummel, wearing a silk scarf and flanked by, at least, half the glee club. Kurt had a way of making him do stupid things.
"If I thought you did, you'd be in juvie for attempted murder," Kurt said breezily. "Luckily for you I've dealt with enough bullies to know when they don't mean it."
He hadn't meant it. Never. He just needed to keep Kurt away. And when pushing and shoving didn't work anymore, then it just... escalated.
"Then why are you here?" Dave struggled to keep the upper hand.
"Why did you come to the hospital?" Kurt countered, posing a question of his own.
Dave shrugged. "To see if I killed you." Which was pretty close to the truth. "I didn't want to go to jail," he easily lied. He had gone to stop the nightmares. The ones where Kurt died in Hudson's arms, or spasming on the floor, or lived as a vegetable hooked up to machines. Or...
Kurt huffed, sounding unconvinced.
"Is this about the kiss?" he asked Dave.
"What is this? Twenty questions?"
Kurt raised an eyebrow, wincing as it pulled his fresh wound.
"-and no. It wasn't." Or at least, Dave didn't think it was. He was pretty sure. It had been about slushies, and Kurt refusing to back down.
"Did you mean to push me down the stairs?" Kurt asked.
"No." No. He really hadn't. He hadn't been thinking, and then Kurt was just gone, tumbling down and down. "Well, I meant to shove you. I forgot about the stairs."
The smaller boy stared at him for a moment, and Dave fought not to squirm.
Having reached a decision, Kurt nodded. "Fine." He took out a pen and a scrap of paper and scribbled something on it before handing it over.
A phone number.
"I'm going to Glee now, but this isn't over. We will talk about this."
And like that he was gone, the worker freaks swarming around their queen. Dave left with the butt of a cigarette burning his fingers.
He looked down at the number, hands shaking as it finally hit him. A realization that couldn't come until he saw Kurt again, walking, talking, stupid scarf and all.
He hadn't killed Kurt Hummel.
He had nearly killed Kurt Hummel.
He hadn't meant to. Not really.
Jesus Fucking Christ.
Dave took one last calming drag from his cigarette before stubbing it out, thought briefly about going to class, then shakily lit another.