Title: Just Breathe 2/11
quailiRating: T (PG-13- light R)
Character(s)/Pairing(s):Kurt Hummel, Noah Puckerman, Finn Hudson (Puck/Kurt light-slash)
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Friendship, light-slash
Warning: Mild swearing and the possible panic triggers
Spoilers: Set after Theatricality. (Re: Living arrangements)
Disclaimer: Not mine
Author Notes: A sequel to an answer to a prompt on the glee angst meme
Summary: Sequel to "Breathe, Kurt" Kurt is learning to deal with his Panic Disorder again, with the help of Finn and Puck. But it's not easy keeping secrets and a harmless prank might ruin everything. Eventual Puck/Kurt
Word Count: 11,000-12,000
Chapter 2
Finn was really starting to hate panic attacks. Kurt said it was fine. That they cycled sometimes, and Finn was just worrying too much, and truthfully Kurt was doing okay, most of the time. They had been slowly figuring out some of the triggers (open spaces, loud noises, not having an escape route, and wrinkled scarves.....though that last one might have been a joke), but sometimes Kurt would just breeze through those situations. Other times Kurt just seemed to get anxious for no reason at all. It was frustrating, and a little scary.
“You’ve got to tell them”. Finn said, leaning against the sink in the boy’s bathroom. Kurt had locked himself in a bathroom stall, and had been in there for the last 10 minutes, alternating between pacing and shaking. Finn could hear Kurt working through his breathing exercises, trying to calm down.
It had been a pretty normal day, until Glee Practice. Kurt had been quiet, sitting towards the back, and rubbing at the thin skin above his knuckles, one of his ‘tells’. Kurt had been nervous, but waved Finn off, telling him that it had just been a long day, and gone back to studying sheet music that Finn knew he had memorized.
Kurt managed to last all of 15 minutes before Schuester had tried to make him participate in some free dancing, by hauling him out of the chair by his arms.
Which is why Finn was now sitting in the boy’s bathroom with his brother, while his phone vibrated with concerned text messages.
Finn was actually kind of impressed. Kurt had managed to “accidently” step on Schue’s feet, giving him an opportunity to slither out of the teacher’s grasp, before muttering something about needing to pee and running out of the room. He had stopped long enough to tell Fin “yellow”. Which was Kurt code for “just need some space. I’ll be okay. come looking if I’m not back in 15 minutes”. (It was a pretty complex code. Code Red was pretty serious, but Code Pink just meant “No I’m not having a panic attack. I’m just being a bitch because I can’t find a bow tie to match my vest.”).
Finn had lasted 8 minutes before going to find his step-brother.
“Seriously, You’ve got to tell them.” Finn repeated, holding out a wet paper towel as Kurt reemerged from the stall, eyes red. “This is the second time this week and they’re all worried. You’re quieter. More jumpy. Half of them think you have an eating disorder, the other half think you’re dying of some rare disease...and Brittany thinks you’re having morning sickness.”
Kurt barked out a laugh, washing his face carefully. “It’s fine. It’s getting better.”
Finn sighed, not missing the trembling in the smaller boy’s fingers. “I worry about you. You really scared me the first time I saw you freaking out. “
“Sorry” Kurt muttered, automatically.
“Not your fault.” Finn replied. “What are you going to do if you have a panic attack and me or Puck aren’t there? Lock yourself in the bathroom all day? You know that’s not going to stop Mercedes. It would be easier if you just let us take care of you”
“I don’t want people to know” Kurt said stubbornly, and Finn felt, not for the first time, that he was talking to a five year old. “I don’t want people feeling sorry for me, or thinking I’m a freak.”
“Everyone in the school thinks you’re a freak” Puck said, slipping into the bathroom, trying to keep the door closed as much as possible. “Seriously dude, you walked around in a silver dress and 10 inch heels.”
“Thanks.” Kurt said, and Puck shrugged.
“Well if you’re not going to tell them you better think of an excuse fast. Mercedes sent me in to make sure you’re dressed. You’ve got 15 seconds before she comes in.”
Kurt’s eyes widened, and Puck turned on the tap. “Wash your mouth out. that way she’ll think you’re sick. Keep a hand on your stomach and swallow like you’re trying not to throw up.”
Finn scowled. He didn’t like Kurt’s secretiveness. The guys were really worried, and he knew that they’d do everything they could to help him. Kurt was spiraling. He’d start getting fidgety, and then he would start worrying, and then he would start worrying about his friends knowing that he was worrying, and then worrying that he was too obviously worrying and it all ended up with him crying alone in the bathroom while his friends were left trying to figure out what the hell was wrong.
With a sigh, Finn gave in. “Do you want to go back to glee?”
Kurt visibly braced himself, then nodded. Puck took point, prepared to take the brunt of Mercedes’ anxiety and Finn slung an arm over his brother’s shoulders, steering him back out into the hallway.
Maybe Burt could talk to him or something.