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Apr 23, 2009 02:37

Quote of the Day: "Entering Nebraska. Don't worry Nebraska, I'll be as gentle as I can"

Joel comes up to me the other day and says, "Whats so cool about that thing you do?" Points at my monitor, referring to twitter. I broke it down for him, this is why I like twitter. The only things I like about myspace or facebook are the status updates from people. Because it's micro-blogging. Friends let me know whats on their minds, what they're feeling etc. by one sentence, one word or one emoticon. What I don't like is the fact that I have to sift through all the people's status' that I don't care about to get to the people I DO care about. Twitter solves that problem for me because I can follow only the people I want to and I can update a bajillion times a day and only those people who follow ME see that. We all have that one friend on facebook or myspace that updates their status once every half hour. I only wish that my friends would get a twitter so I could follow them. Then I wouldn't need to be on social networking sites, with their quizzes and top 5s. I could just follow them on twitter XD I guess twitter is a social networking site, but less annoying. I joined twitter last year because I wanted to follow Jhonen (im his stalker) and back then no one had heard of it. Now it's all popular :/ but it's pretty fun. So Joel nodded after I explained all this to him and I saw him later that night looking at peoples twitter pages :D

Speaking of uhh... tacos, me and Joel had a dance party today when my mom and Rosanna went out to do some errands. Me and him sat around gossiping like high schoolers, danced, jumped around, did our hair, talked about boys, danced some more. This is the song we danced to the most but Junkyard was a close second. For some inexplicable reason I suddenly want to purchase a Kia... It would be so cash :3

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3:08 am now... I guess it's time for beeeedddd
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