Day to DAY Junk

Mar 14, 2009 01:19

Work was, as always, interesting. Today we had all the drains back up for some inexplicable reason. The bathrooms were closed for the better part of three hours. Typical teenagers doing their typical stupid things they do. Had dinner with Marlene @ Charros. It was deeelicous! I crossed paths with Lorenzo and smiled at him until I remembered that I wasn't talking to him so my smile turned into a grimace which must have looked weird on his end. Had several interesting conversations with Casey, but when are conversations NOT interesting with that guy? The last thing we talked about was spraying himself with his own urine, I asked how that would be possible? He then explained and showed me how and I made this face O.O So I asked him if he had ever tried and he said no, so I told him to try it and tell me how it goes and if it really IS possible!  He said ok so expect an update on that experiment soon. Unless he forgot. Which I think he already did. So cancel that update.

I open today @ 10am with MIKE. He's supposed to have a present for me for opening without him last Saturday. I wanted him to bring me a hand beaded necklace that I saw once while I was in Arizona but didn't buy. I figure that the state should be littered with stuff like that so he must have found one! Work is going to be a ghost town. I expect to do a whole lot of nothing, followed with some sitting and then some yelling. Then some more yelling. After work I think I am going to Barnes & Noble in esco for some book browsing then to Michaels to make use of my awesome 40% off coupon!!!

I can't think right now, Andre is crying AGAIN! I'm gonna go yell at him. More later!
After that Im gonna sit on the couch and do nothing, much like this drawing illustrates!

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