New Layout!

Mar 10, 2009 23:40

So I was all bored last night and I was looking through all the pre-made layouts for livejournal. The selection for free accounts are lame and you can't change anything and I was like, gay! So I looked into how much it would cost if I upgraded my account. It cost $19.99 I think for a whole year so I said to myself I says, yeah alright. I upgraded my account but then I just decided to design my own layout. It looks AMAZING if I do say so myself. If you frequent my myspace you will notice that it's exactly the same as this har har har. I don't have photoshop so I couldn't create a new background and when I design a layout I always start with the background and build from there. I made this current background like, two years ago I think fooor myspace. I have an idea in my head for something with stars, blue, gold and yellow cholor scheme. I might do that if I ever get photoshop again. One thing that bugs me from the current layout is the white on white. I think that I might add some color to the posts so it doesn't look so weird.

Anyway, with a paid account I can customize everything, I get photo storage and all the ads are taken off my journal (you're welcome! XD) and all sorts of other junk. I figure, since I am on here every goddamn day, that it was worth it! Also, I enabled comments from everyone instead of just friends so now everyone can comment! Go on, don't be shy! That's about it on the layout. Read about my day if you wanna.

SO I had to work today but I got there late due to... certain circumstances... so I got there at 3 instead of 2:30. I quickly dodged Sarah (she got mad about that BTW) and went upstairs to work on the managers certification lvl 3 (which I finished before I left) and crossed paths with Lorenzo. I didn't look at him or acknowledge his existence but he followed me with his gaze. I was like, whaaatever. Alice tells me that he almost knocked her over and didn't even appologize! While listening to the droning of the computer lady I decided to play Bejewled on my phone. I read in a magazine or maybe Yahoo! news that if you doodle or do something with your fingers to distract you you actually pay more attention to boring things like meetings or in this case, the boring computer lady. I think it worked because I got 100% on the three quizzes and only got 1 question wrong out of 40 on the final test. I failed all quizzes on the lvl 2 section O.O but I WAS tired.

After work Alice and I came to my house and karaoked the night away. It was a lot of fun because we got a bunch of CD's from Hector so we had lots more songs to sing. I think that's all we did today... I can't really remember. Tomorrow we are supposed to go to Balboa Park and go to the museum. I WAS supposed to go to Disneyland but Rosanna forgot (I didn't remind her though) and Andre is gonna be here tomorrow anyways I think. MMHMM.

Here is a video to my current song obsession. I wish I could play this song on the keyboard but I don't think mine has enough keys to play this song o.o Im gonna go practice Zanarkand!

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At first I thought it was too good to be him but he messes up a little so I knew he was really playing!

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I can play most of this song, but not this awesome version. I play a more dumb down version XD
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