
Mar 04, 2009 01:50

Quote of the Day

"I've accomplished a lot in my time, but can't shake the growing dread that I'll never be given the proper respect I deserve as a gangsta." Jhonen Vasquez

I can't sleep. I've been extremely bored all day. School was missed thanks to me sleeping in. Chewie called me at around 10 and I was still asleep (though I told him I wasn't) and instead of getting up after the call I rolled over and went back to sleep! I usually don't go back to sleep once I wake up because I don't want to mess up my sleep cycle but after I fell back asleep I didn't wake up until 2 in the afternoon! I was late to work -_- While at work I cleaned up #2 and finished my managers certification lvl 1 with 100%! After I got off I came back home and was lazy all day except for playing DDR and watching TV. I was so bored at one point I couldn't even watch TV! It is now almost 2am and I just spent the last half hour drawing a snail for Alice as a surpriiise (if you are reading this and have not yet seen the snail, please erase the sentence from your memory). While taking a potty break from said secret surprise drawing I starting thinking about ghosts and the crazy things that have been happening at my house. Read on for spooky fun!

I posted an entry around October about my crazy ghost stories. Some people are skeptics and think that all of this stuff is in people's heads but I (and my family) personally believe in such things as ghosts and apparitions because almost every one in my family has experienced something paranomal. We used to think that our old apartment was haunted because we had a lot of weird things happen there. One time while I was relaxing on the couch with my eyes closed, someone whispered my name in my ear really loud and fast and startled me so badly I almost fell out of the couch. My  mom constantly saw shadows of men when there was no one home. Danny was afraid of sleeping on his bed becuase something wouldn't let him sleep.

Well, we havent been in our new apartment 5 months and now things are happening here too! A few nights ago my  mom was laying down on her bed, trying to take a nap in the afternoon when she claims her face was touched by someone with a really cold hand. She said it was a big hand because the fingers were on her forehead and all the way down to her chin, completely covering her face. She thought it might have been Danny so she opened her eyes but no one was there. Later on that night Andre was asleep in my moms room when he woke up and started screaming (not his usual screams) so Rosanna went to check on him. She said that he was freaking out and screaming. She turned on the lights and held him to try to calm him and he kept pointing at something that was moving around in the room. Rosanna kept asking what he was pointing at and he finally just kept pointing in the closet. At one point he shrugged and held out his arms, like saying, "I don't know" because the 'thing' he was looking at disappeared. Yesterday Alice was napping on the big couch, Joel was sitting next to her and I was sitting on the little couch and we were watching cartoons. Alice told me later on that night that while she was napping she felt someone touch her face. She thought it was Andre so she opened her eyes and mumbled something but she noticed that no one was in front of her. She shrugged it off and went back to sleep. That same night Joel came out of her room and started playing on my computer. I asked him why he wasn't in his room and he said because he was scared. He felt that something was in there watching him. He wanted me to go sleep with him because he was afraid. Danny still refuses to sleep in his room if no one else is in there. That's why I have been enjoying sleeping on his bed lately :D

Personally I have seen some weird things like people walking down the hall out of the corner of my eye when no one is home, shadows. I always see something when I'm watching TV like someone walking from the hallway and stopping at my computer like it's watching what I'm doing. The a few weeks ago (before Disneyland) I was trying to sleep on the couch when out of no where some cans fell out of a bag when the bag was standing straight up. I thought it might have been that rogue mouse but there was nothing moving around the bag. The other night I was bloggin, like I always do, I noticed that a tissue from a tissue box was behaving weird. It looked like someone was trying to pull it out. I was looking at this from the corner of my eye and at first I thought that she wind was knocking the tissue over but it kept doing this tugging movement so I looked directly at it. It kept doing the tugging thing and then it stopped. I got the chills and I noticed that there was no wind at all!

I never get any negative feelings from whatever it is that is following us. When I was a teenager I remember seeing a shadow person around us all the time. Rosanna and Danny used to see it too. I havent seen the shadow person in a long time and maybe this energy that is following us is the shadow person in a different form. They say that little kids and teenagers are more open to spirits and paranomal activity which could explain why I haven't seen the shadow person in a while but for some reason all this activity has been more and more frequent lately. Who knows, maybe we are all crazy! Or maybe its a ghost.

Speaking of ghosts, I was watching Paranomal State on A&E last night, it was an awesome episode! If you havent seen it, it's about this guy from Penn State with his group of paranomal researchers who go out and investigate cases of hauntings and stuff. They went to a guys house because he said that bad stuff was happening in there. Well the team brought in this device that would read off energy (like an EMF) and convert that into a number in their computer and then convert that into words. The guys were asking this 'thing' questions and it would reply through it's energy. It was sooo creepy! They asked it if it was a good spirit or a bad spirit and it replied "Demon" me and Rosanna were freaking out! It's a cool show if you're into that sort of thing, which I am! I also love alien shows though I am terrified of aliens!

Im gonna go back to my drawing now. Fun Fact: For some reason I spelled 'Paranormal' without a second R several times. I am too lazy to find them and fix them.

The End.
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