
Feb 26, 2009 15:50

Joel is super excited right now! He and some other kids from his school went to Sony On-line Entertainment with their school counselor. He spent the day with a guy in the QA department. Joel is so cute, he really wants to work there now and work in the video game section as a quality assurence guy. He has always wanted to be in a cubicle, and working there he can be crammed in a cubicle with a bunch of other nerdy guys! I hope he gets to work at Sony :)

In other news, we went to Chuck-E-Cheese so Andre could have a fun outting. We had pizza and played lots-o-games. I tried Pump it Up and I lost on my second song because I was all like, "I can totally do this on HARD" but I couldn't :( it was still fun though. After wards we went to the mall and I got Harry Potter in spanish so I can practice my spanish skills. I was reading a bit in the car which was a big mistake because I get easily car sick and reading in the car always gives me headaches and makes me wanna throw up -_-

So I got work in an hour aaahh I dont wanna go. I feel really tired. I gotta stop staying up late >< Oh yeah, Joel said that the guys at Sony are constantly playing Nerf wars in the office. What is the world coming to.
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