Every four years, America experiences his happiest day...or at least it should be ~ HUMOR
WARNING - Heavily slanted politically.
Every four years, America experienced his proudest day. A day when the patriotism thrummed through his body and the roaring inaugural crowds bellowed, when presidents of the past and future collided long enough to pass the torch.
Normally, on Inauguration Day, America was so proud.
But something was wrong.
It was a known constant that all crowds would hold some level of hysteria, but the exuberance of the people crammed together was...offsetting. Something about their banners and shouts seemed more enraged than overjoyed. He'd felt a hope four years before, but now anxiety had firmly lodged itself in his chest and didn't particularly want to let go.
Suddenly he was confused...and for the life of him, he couldn't remember who had been elected.
When the new President of the United States took the podium, America could have sworn he was having a heart attack.
America jolted awake in bed, shouted a little, and kicked hard enough to jostle the lump in the covers next to him. Panting, he sat up for a few moments and tried to remind himself that it was only a dream.
Russia stirred sleepily beside him. A slow smile and a lazy look later, he murmured, "Was it the President Palin dream again?"
"Yep." America nodded thickly, swallowed tightly before slamming his back exasperatedly into the bed, jostling Russia ever more awake with the shockwave. "Don't get me wrong, I think it'd be really fucking cool to have a female president...but I swear on my spirit guide if that woman is elected I'm moving to Canada."
Russia frowned. "Why not move to my place?"
"Duh," America snorted. "Because I don't want her looking out her window and watching us. Too creepy."
Suddenly, Russia looked very concerned for the state of the American educational system, particularly the geography curriculum. "You know that she cannot actually see my house in Moscow from Alaska?"
"O-of course I knew that!" America mumbled something that may have been 'go back to sleep' and turned away to hide his blush.
...Of course he knew that.