Liked it much better the second time around. The first time I thought it was a bit too busy, but I could see things fit together more easily.
[Spoiler (click to open)] - My first thought "Pepper, sweetie, there is not enough Xanex in the world is there?"
- When Tony says, "If you knew this would be your last birthday, what would you do with it?" "I'd do whatever I want, with whoever I wanted to do it with."SHE'S TALKING ABOUT CLINT.
- People make a big deal about how Rhodey "stole" the suit and how that shows he's not such a good friend. I call BS. But Fury makes a comment about Tony's security systems and how there are special failsafes to prevent unauthorized access. That tells me that Rhodey's access wasn't unauthorized. Tony gave Pepper the company, and I'm pretty damn sure he wanted a successor for the suit, too.
- Justin Hammer makes everyone look less pathetic. EVERYONE.
- Howard Stark was a terrible father. One minute in the old tapes he's got this "what is this thing get it away from me" reaction when bitty!Tony's playing with the model, and then he goes straight to "Tony you are the future". I fully believe he was just COMPLETELY inept with children (I feel like there's a terrible slash fic in the making where searching for Steve in the frosty waters of the Arctic froze over Howard's heart).
- I think Howard Stark had a drawing of the Tesseract in his notebook.
- Tony is textbook ADHD.
- I absolutely love how in the time it took Happy to take out one of Hammer's security guards, Tasha took out 12+
- "Look I'm sorry" "This is my responsibility." "Oh no. It's still your fault. I just wanted to say I'm sorry.