Title: Void
quakewithfear aka
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts II
Pairing: Saix/Xemnas
Rating: PG-13
Length: 317 words
Disclaimer: I own only my perverted thoughts.
Notes: Well, first we had a silly Saix/Xemnas fic, so here's a more serious one. Just a little drabble from Saix' POV. I love him to death. ^_^ Oh yeah, unedited.
The Superior looks up at Kingdom Hearts with a variety of expressions on his face. Reverence. Determination. Longing so hard that I could practically taste it. He wants it more than the rest of us to be free from this curse. I know that he’s willing to give himself utterly to it.
My own feelings for the moon called Kingdom Hearts are… complex. It affects me in ways that differ from the others, but it is what Superior wants and I will follow his will until I reach the end, whether it’s my ultimate death or the restoration of our humanity. I don’t care if I’m human or not as long as I can give myself to the Superior.
He doesn’t turn away from Kingdom Hearts as he speaks my name. I come to his side immediately, as he knew I would.
“The moment is so close… I’ll be more powerful than I ever was… even more than Ansem ever was. We’ll all be fulfilled, Saix. Can’t you feel it?”
:”I feel…” I trail off as he turns to me at last. The light from Kingdom Hearts filters through his hair and illuminates him like a silver halo. I feel a rare breeze blow through the World That Never Was. He trickles his fingers up my chest and then curls one around the collar that I wear for him.
“You’ll never get it back, Saix. As long as I have you and your loyalty, I don’t need your heart.”
I close my eyes as he brushes fingers across my lips. The urge to push him down and kiss him into the floor is so strong, but I resist. The Superior would keep my heart from me so that I would never stray from him.
It was when he kissed me so fiercely that I could taste his desperation that I realized that I didn’t care.