Dec 21, 2004 02:19
I place my hand upon a metal bar, it’s strong and smooth, and my hand wraps around it comfortably. I want to bend it, I want to change it, with my own strength of course. I press into, gripping it tight, thrusting it towards me but it doesn’t budge. I squeeze and pull harder until my hand begins to hurt. I feel the pain shoot through my hand and into my arm, and the bar does not budge. My hand feels as if it’s going to break, but I don’t let up, I allow the pain to become greater, without relenting, until eventually, even after my release, the pain will remain.
that sucks. Listen folks, don't believe the lies satan tells you, because he hates you, and wants to see you turn from God. When he discovers that simply isn't an option, he moves to make sure you're life sucks. At least in mine, He creeps into every intricate detail of my thoughts and aspirations, and when I listen, I am miserable. Is it a battle? Or am I just plain weak. am I wrestling against my own flesh, or is evil influencing my thoughts to make me feel as if I need to compete for love, or compare myself to others. Sorry for the insight on Jake, folks, but the battle seems to continue to rage on. I'm not going to sit here and type all the stupid lies that go on in my head like some people do, but I will ask you to pray for me. With an open mind and heart, I've completely dedicated my life to Christ, and I've been doing all i can to make sure that is reflected, and quite honestly, not to sound all super-natural or spooky, believe that's the reason for this funk. It's so easy to sit here and convince ourselves we're not good enough for something or someone, but why believe the lies? especially if the ony evidence for such things only exists in your head. And when I say evidence, I mean SOLID evidence, not stupid little signs and self-fufilling prophecies you can somehow connect together to make some broad conspiracy theory, but solid, rock-hard evidence. Satan will attack me and anyone who's close to me, I know. Not because I'm special, but because I want to live for Christ. and OHHH does he know my weaknesses.
Every man knows, regardless of how much you despise a person, there's certain things you don't do in fight with them. You could desire the worst death on that person, but I believe even the most twisted murder knows that when it comes to men, STAY AWAY FROM THE JEWELS. Do you think Satan feels the same way? NO WAY. He goes right for those bad boys, with no concern for any other part. I would LOVE to decide where Satan attacks me. "Hey Satan you want to destroy my relationship with Marie? Why don't you try and get me to cheat on her?" NO WAY, because Satan knows I love her WAAAAAY to much, and he also knows I truly believe (and know) there isn't a more beautiful woman that exists on this planet, so He doesn't even try, or "Hey Satan, why don't you try and convince me to quit school, and focus 'soley on the church'" sounds noble, but nope. no way. He knows I understand how important those things are, and GOD does the work, not me. I allow Him to work through me, and He does. Satan goes for the jewels, folks. so watch your backs.
I guess what I'm saying, not so much to you folks reading this, but to myself is, Satan and his demons are experts at deception, and they feed lies to people. Too often, do his lies pierce my heart, and I get discouraged. Marie's mom, Jill understands the lies they feed better than anyone I know, and GOD BLESS HER for being a part of my life. I love her so very much for her encouragement, and everything else she gives me, including a wonderful woman. Reading this and nodding your head in agreement is easy, even for me as i read, but the lies still pierce me, and my impatience causes me to try and mend the wounds with infected bandages that will only make things worse. Like on a battlefield, if your shot, the injury stings, and you see that just a few short steps away are fresh bandages, but lying next to you are bandages that have been lying in mud. You know the muddy bandages will mend the wound, for a short while, but then only get worse later. I can't reach for the infected bandages. I need to be patient, and persevere towards the clean ones, the Godly ones, and find my rest in Him.
In your prayers, don't just pray for me, but pray for all Christians who have committed themselves to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.