Mar 05, 2007 15:13
First...OMGWTFBSG!!! Why is nobody talking about this episode?? Holy Crap! Anyone who wants to discuss it, call me. If you don't have my phone number, email me.
And now for my dream. I told a few people about this and they found it rather amusing so I thought I'd share with the class.
Thursday night I had a dream that started out at a vacation house I was sharing with my family. We were standing around the kitchen talking and my aunt opens up the fridge and sees the jar of peanut butter in there. She then goes on this tirade about how peanut butter gets all hard and sticky and unspreadable when its cold and that it should be kept in the cupboard. Right in the middle of this lecture the dream changes and now I'm sitting at an outdoor cafe, drinking coffee. I look up just as Nathan Fillion is sitting down across from me. He looks at me with this terribly serious expression and says, "You can't go to Paris in the spring because the swallows haven't returned to Capistrano".*quirks eyebrow* I sat there completely expressionless, thinking wtf?, and then the alarm went off and I woke up. I actually tried to go back to sleep to see if I could get back into it but no luck. I would just love to have that analyzed!
ETA I just notice how appropriate my icon is! LOL
nathan fillion