So there was an attack on LJ on my 5th year anniversary. Seems a little ominous, don't you think?
Five years ago today, I posted
my very first fic.
Actually I posted
three. (One of the few times I've ever posted multiple times in one day.) At first, this was nothing but a place where I dumped my
West Wing fic, but
little by little I started
branching out into other
fandoms (though I
wasn't always successful) and experimented with
other fani-sh forms of expression. I even started posting about
my life off-line (though those posts are usually
friend-locked at the very
least). LJ is such a big part of my life now, it's hard to imagine what I would do without it. Twitter just isn't the same and you all know how I feel about Facebook.
So how do I celebrate? Well, it seemed appropriate to go back to how this all began... with fic. I thought about offering DVD commentary or a fanwank Q&A, but I think new fic is the way to go. Lord knows, I'm a horribly slow writer, but I do seem to turn out 100 word drabbles pretty fast. So...
In honor of the occasion, give me a fandom and a prompt (or two or three), and I'll give you a 100 word drabble in the next few days (or maybe weeks).
I don't mind branching out into a fandom I haven't written for yet, as long as I'm familiar with it. I actually enjoy trying something new. Though it's always nice to have the excuse to write West Wing too. Can't forget your roots!
Happy Birthday, LJ of mine! Thank you for five year's worth of random distractions!