Title: Shoe Shopping
Category: "Post-Ep" for Take This Sabbath Day
Disclaimer: I do not own The West Wing or any West Wing characters.
Rating: G
Notes: Sometimes someone can inspire you without saying a word. I was thinking about a proper birthday gift for
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I adore fics with nothing but dialogue. I can picture them myself without having to read author descriptions.
I really am insane.
I agree with what you're saying. I have never got confused about who was speaking when I was reading one of your fics. You have a clear understanding of what their distinct voices sound like and it shows. I worried that they sounded too much the same in my earlier fics (or maybe they both sounded too much like me.) For this fic I was more concerned about alluding to the action going on without actually have to break the dialogue for discription.
But Donna's tends to speak in longer sentences while Josh doesn't - he really only speaks for a long time when he rants or is depressed. Donna is also very explanatory about everything while Josh is like bang bang bang that's it. Unless of course he's explaining something for the benefit of stupid American viewers Donna. Then he does talk for awhile but it's easy to pick him when he does that.
I really think about these things too much you know.
I think Donna would say knocked up. She's also quite trashy sometimes (but only in the good way).
And I have to say... Josh didn't object to Donna's phrase... though that could have been more to do with where she had positioned herself!
But yes, clearly these people must have a more... extensive vocabulary than we've actually seen!
and the fic's not bad, either!
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