This is Maureen. (Maureen, say 'hello.') (Hey!) Maureen is a Toshiba Satellite L25. She's B-E-A-utiful! (I know I am!) I went through sooooo much to get her, but it was worth it, wasn't it baby? (You know it!)
This morning I woke up at 2:30 am. I got out of bed and went into the living room. Mom couldn't find her keys, so went back to get them. We left for Walmart at 3. We got to walmart at 3:13 (we went to the one in Owasso. We always go to Black Friday sales in Owasso. The people are nicer then in Tulsa.) I got in line for a laptop.
Walmart had 22 in stock. I was 23rd in line.
So it's 4 and a manager keeps coming up and telling me there aren't any more than 22. Then another employee comes up saying there aren't any more than 20. And another said 24. So I stayed in line until 5, when the sale started. And I didn't get one. But apparently they had 25 in stock, three went to managers who had dibs. (no fair, jerks.)
So screw you, Walmart. (no, actually, you're okay. You know, for a corporate whore...) I went over to Office Depot a few doors down and waited until they opened. I was first in line, bitches. I was gonna get me a lappy.
The doors opened and I went up to a sales person, calmly, and asked him to direct me to the Toshiba Satellite L25-S119. They had three in stock. I took one of the little sheets that have the barcode on it, like he told me to do, and went to the register.
Oh, Maureen has a partner, by the way. Guess what her name is. No, go ahead. Guess.
She came free with Maureen. Whoot.
Anywho, like I was saying... the sales lady said there were no more toshibas in stock.
Ummm... excuse me? How is that possible? We were first in line.
So, I was pretty upset. Mom bitched, I moaned. Enter Robert, stage right. The store manager, Robert, told us we could still have one for the sale price of $439, but we would have to wait two days. That's cool, I could wait, I guess. Better than not getting one. We did more shopping, (including getting Half Life Anthology for 5 bucks. Hell, yes. But I can't open that one til Christmas...) and getting gifts for Martin, Dad, and etc. Tons of deals. It rocked hard.
Then, someone from Office Depot called. Apparently someone took back Maureen. They told the sales clerk to call us and stuff. Maureen waited patiently at the store for me to come get her, and now, here she is.
First thing I did? Firefox. Trillian. All the basics.
God, she's a beauty.
(Thank you, pookie!)