Good news: After looking for about a year and a half, my dad finally has a job!! :D What's completely ironic is that not only is the job description of the new job pretty much the same as the one he had before he got laid off, but also -- drum roll please -- it's that the job is at the exact same company!! And since he likes the company, this is not at all a bad thing. What does suck is that he has a lot of paperwork to do, he's taking a huge cut in pay, and he has to go through training again, which includes a week out in Denver sometime next month (I'll be at college by then, so it won't affect me too much). But yay, job security and another source of income. I really hope this works out for him. :-)
For anyone who's interested, I updated the last post about that anti-abortion dude; it can be found
here. Just be sure to start where it says "EDIT."
A couple of interesting articles I came across today:
Asexuals are coming out This article only made me start thinking about my own sexuality, and the way I treat relationships. As I'm sure not all of you want to read this sort of thing on your f-list, I'm putting my reaction under a cut.
After I first heard the term "asexual" not all that long ago, I've always wondered whether or not I really am asexual or if I'm just a "late bloomer" that hasn't bloomed yet. On the one hand, I've never been a fan of the idea of sex; it usually just boils down to, "So I have to put my thing into his/her thing? No thank you." Not to mention I get grossed out by all the bodily material that tends to be involved in sex, liquid and solid. Plus, I don't like being physically intimate at all -- I get uncomfortable when someone sitting really close to me might have the slightest possibility of touching me, and whenever someone hugs me or I hug someone I get weirded out in varying degrees depending on the situation. I had no desire to get a girl/boyfriend in high school, I have no desire to get one now (or even have a random hookup with someone), and I don't really have crushes on anyone because of good looks. Case in point: every meeting of our college LGBT group involves an "icebreaker" question everyone present must answer, and one time it was who your celebrity crush(es) were; I couldn't answer this question at all. While there are people I can consider attractive from an unemotional standpoint, I've never actually felt such attraction for anyone, real or fictional; there's been no one that I've ever wanted to "tap."
On the other hand, however, I do have a bit of a sex drive; it's not much, granted, but it's there. I masturbate regularly and enjoy it for the most part, and when I usually seek out porn that isn't fanfic, I'm almost always attracted more to subjects' bodies than their faces, and the majority of what I seek out are solo acts that don't necessarily involve full nudity. I'm generally not a fan of non-fanfic porn involving two or more subjects unless it's tasteful or "artsy"; I tend to find the vast majority of explicit/"hardcore" porn of this type to be rather silly and much more of a turn-off than a turn-on (then again, you could say porn tends to do this anyway, but wouldn't that be going against its purpose?). Yet I can picture myself having sex, and I would like to at least a couple of times because I would prefer not to die a virgin (and just to see what it's like), but at the same time something in my mind tells me I'm not missing out on much anyway. If I ever do have sex with someone, it would have to be with someone I trust enough so that I'd feel comfortable (and someone who's a man, since I'm pretty certain I'm homoromantic if not homosexual), but so far I know no one with whom I have that level of trust.
I think part of it has to do with the fact that I'm a loner, that I'm very intoverted, and that I prefer this, because this is who I am. While I would like to have a slightly bigger circle of friends -- or at the very least people I can trust -- and while I wish I wasn't so socially inept, I like being alone and doing things on my own; most of the time, being with others or doing things with others makes me feel alienated and like a caged animal, unable to do much except behave in certain ways and go along with things that I don't feel comfortable doing at that particular moment. This probably at least partially explains why I'm so disinclined to have romantic and/or sexual relationships -- I just don't need other people in that particular way. If I were to be in a romantic (or at least more-than-friends) relationships with someone, ideally it would be with someone who would know my quirks and the like and deal with/respect them (as I would for his), who could bring me out of my shell while respecting my immense need for alone time, who I would actually feel comfortable with physical and maybe even sexual intimacy. (And if you can permit me to be shallow this one time, he'd also be easy on the eyes, at least somewhat well-built, and at least a few years older than me.) But this only leads me back to my original question: whether or not I really do fall under the broad category that is asexuality, or if I just have issues/haven't found the ~right one~ yet.
Multitaskers, pay attention -- if you can Summary: A recent study has shown that people who multitask the most are the worst at it, in that they're more easily distracted and can't block out irrelevant information. I would go into a rant about how this describes me in so many ways, and how it describes our society in general, and that this is bad and ought to be fixed, but it's late enough as it is. What I will say is that I'm impressed of the detail the article goes into regarding the study and its methodology; the MSM isn't exactly known for reporting these kinds of stories all that well, so I can get behind articles about studies that, in my experience, are portrayed accurately.
And finally, some memes. First:
Your result for The Social Persona Test (Version 2.5)...
The Manga Geek (QLBM)
Quirky Liberal Beta Male
First of all, we can't help but notice that you spend an awful lot of time reading Hentei. Other than that though, you have a gentleness around women they find attractive. Seek out ones as quirky as you and you're golden.
You are more QUIRKY than NORMAL.
You are more LIBERAL than TRADITIONAL.
You are more PASSIVE than DOMINANT.
When picking a date, consider: The Rarity (QTAF), The Renaissance Faire Wench (QLAF), The Librarian (QTBF), or The Emo Girl (QLBF).
(Image from Flicker, unknown album and subject.)
Take The Social Persona Test (Version 2.5) at
HelloQuizzyLittle known fact: I've never actually cracked open a manga. I have some manga and doujinshi downloaded on my hard drive, and I come across samples every so often on Scans_Daily or other places, but I've never actually bought any and actually held them in my hands and read them. This is all because of money concerns, time restrictions (being in college is REALLY busy), and the fact that I got into anime not all that long ago, and that it's so far been my primary focus. This is something I hope to rectify soon. XD
Stolen from
01. hello! what is your name? or what should i call you?02. your birthdate? unless you're 20 years older than me, you don't really have to tell your age if you don't want to.03. where are you from / where do you live in?04. favourite bands / artists? because i am a music freak.05. favourite films / tv shows?06. the book that you can read over and over again?07. i love quotes! tell me a quote from your favourite author, musician, whatever...08. what's your favourite colour? and lucky number? and favourite day of the week?09. what do / did / will you study at university / college?10. what do you think of me? be honest or else i'll shoot you.