We got a lot more snow around here than we thought we were going to get -- about 3 ft/1m of snow, to be exact. Which meant we were snowed in pretty much all day yesterday, and things aren't much better today since all 15 of the town's snowplows just had to get stuck. :P I just feel really bad for everyone who has to break their backs get rid of all the snow from the roads, driveways, parking lots, etc. -- I'm kinda glad I didn't have to do any of that, but I'm also a little guilty about it at the same time. :/ At least we didn't lose power or cable this time around, which helped things a lot.
So in lieu of an update in which Interesting Things™ have Happened™ -- another one of these posts. I'm glad many of you are liking them, though I worry if some of you are getting a bit tired of these by now. ^_^;
How the Streetlight Effect keeps scientists in the dark--
Political failure modes and the beige dictatorship (an attempt to explain general malaise, distrust, and cynicism in today's global politics -- lots of attempts toward a kind of political theory are used, and the comments actually do a good job of furthering the discussion)
Why you're probably not as rational as you think you are -- and what you can do about it--
The Great Filter theory suggests humans have already conquered the threat of extinction--
Why do mirrors reverse left and right, but not top and bottom?--
Why Star Trek phasers don't exist yet (a.k.a. "If you're wondering why we don't have cool things like jetpacks and laser weapons yet, there are very very good reasons why")
Could an Explosion Really Knock You Over Like in the Movies?--
How NASA Prevents a Space Plague Outbreak--
University of British Columbia gives all female tenure-stream faculty a 2% raise--
Why science and technology need the social sciences and humanities--
Proving and Quantifying Sexism--
The Study That Could Upend Everything We Thought We Knew About Declining Urban Crime--
Visualizing How Poorly Amtrak's Route Network Serves Most of the U.S.--
And Now Let Us Praise, and Consider the Absurd Luck of, Famous Men (on how much more "success" hinges on sheer chance than anyone could possibly dream of)
First ever: UK scientists use 3D printer to print human stem cells--
Revolutionary grilled cheese sandwich replaces bread with more cheese (at first I was like OMG MUST HAVE, but now I'm not so sure D:)
Originally posted at
http://quadruplify.dreamwidth.org/135539.html || Comments on original post: