Since I've been doing linkdumps around here for the past couple of weeks, and because I'm bored, I figure I might make this a semi-regular thing. Maybe? Basically it's a list of things I've found/read lately, and I thought at least some of you out there might be interested in some of them too. Hope you all enjoy it! ^_^;
Sandy Hook controversy: Is it wrong to sympathize with a killer?--
Meanwhile, in Canada, a Narwhal Tusk Smuggling Ring Has Been Busted (first maple syrup, now this...O_o;)
Captured in (Actual) Pictures: The Swirling Birth of Planets--
Finding the Positive (on criticizing what other people do vs. doing something better yourself)
A Martian Dream: Here's What the Red Planet Would Look LIke With Earth-Like Oceans and Life--
'Channeling spirits' shut down parts of the brain--
Can You Be Gay By Choice? (the best article I've read yet re: whether or not the "born this way" defense of homosexuality is a good idea)
The Appeal of "Bad Boys" (on Nice Guys™, the psychology of what makes people attractive, and how men can attain it without being douches)
Why It's Dangerous to Say "Only Bad Guys Commit Rape" (CW: details of incidents of rape)
America Has a Macho Problem