"A whole world that's falling at the seams 'cause that's what it's supposed to do"

Dec 29, 2012 20:41

Another entry because I'm bored and I feel up to it. ^_^;

••• So, Christmas went relatively well! It wasn't very eventful, and I've had far better Christmases, but it wasn't too bad, all things considered. Here's what I managed to get:

  • Community season 3 DVD boxset (the only thing I really asked for -- yes! :D)
  • A DVD of Mansome, Morgan Spurlock's latest documentary (I didn't even know he put out a new movie this year, though apparently it doesn't look to be all that good :P)
  • A book called The Story of Tea
  • A Pier 1 teaset (nothing traditional or fancy or anything like that, but it still looks real nice)
  • A Magic Bullet combo blender/mixer (because my sister and I have gotten into cooking and baking recently, and a lot of the recipes we've tried required a blender when we didn't have one O_o;)
  • A new pair of pajamas (because I only have one right now)
  • A new pair of slippers (Christmas tradition, because after a year they get ratty and worn-out XD)
  • Lots of chocolate and fudge
  • A Barnes & Noble gift card (even though I already have plenty 8D)
  • Christmas cards from
    jecca_meitahn and

    katelinmr -- THANK YOU so much!!

The loot wasn't nearly as impressive as last year's, but I kinda expected it; I know I'm tough to buy gifts for. I'm basically the guy who has everything and then some, so as long as I have money and gift cards, I can buy my own toys. (And then there are torrents and downloading sites for everything else, but we won't go into that. ~_^)

Not only did we have my dad's mom over for Christmas dinner, but an uncle we hadn't seen in a few years (my dad's only surviving sibling), so that went better than expected! Even though my grandmother was clearly having a bad day, and everyone felt bad for her. :( And the night before we were at my aunt and uncle's place nearby (my mom's brother and his wife), which went ... okay. The guests they usually have are adults in which high school was the best years of their miserable lives, and by God they'll make sure you know it. And then there was me, trying to explain for the umpteenth time why I'm still living at my parents' and don't have a job, not realizing that just keeping my mouth shut would've been the best course of action. But no, I just had to make myself seem somewhat entertaining (it was technically a party, after all), which meant trotting out one-liners, zingers, and witty putdowns meant only in jest. Partly because I really like the humor associated with one-liners, zingers, and witty putdowns meant in jest, but also because it was a way to express my contempt at some of these adults while disguising it as a joke. Needless to say, although it's fine for people I know, in this situation it didn't go over so well, and my parents and sister let me know about it after we got home. Which hurt, of course, but I needed to hear it. Just gotta remember to do better next time, I guess. =_=

And my mom was supposed to travel to California to visit my aunt and cousin this week, but she came down with a bad case of the flu and couldn't. :PPP It's weird, because last year around this time it was my dad who got sick, and this time around he has a bad cough as well. I'm sequestering myself in my room more so than usual so that I don't get sick; it seems to be working so far. ^_^;

So yeah, that was my Christmas. How did everyone else's go?

••• I'm still trying to think of what to do for New Year's resolutions; I know they rightfully get a bad rap because people hardly follow through on them, but I really need to get myself in gear in 2013 to prevent a repeat of 2012, which was ... a whole lotta nothing, really. Which is not to say awesome things didn't happen this year, or that I didn't grow as a person, but in a lot of ways I'm in the same position I was when I wrote this, and that's not good. The main difference is that I'm in a better position now to be more proactive when it comes to developing skills and achieving goals than I was two years ago -- or at least, I hope so. ._.,

Of course I need to work on the important things, like being more proactive in looking for jobs, volunteer work, and grad schools, cooking, taking better care of myself (including hopefully joining a gym), and driving. But I've also created a huge backlog of books I want to read, movies and TV shows and anime I'd like to watch, music I'd like to listen to, video games I'd like to play, etc. Far too often I put these things off to one side saying to myself, "I'll deal with this later," and I never do; instead, I end up constantly feeling bored, doing nothing, and wanting to do nothing. So maybe trying to get through that backlog should help? (Oh yeah, and fitting in some time to write while I'm at it. :P)

Anyway, I hope everyone reading this has a Happy New Year, and that if your 2012 was meh like mine, I hope 2013 will be better for you. ;-)

••• Finally, some more articles and links you might be interested in:

--This Tiny Gizmo Could Be a Very Big Deal in 2013 -- And Beyond (I know I already posted something about this on my Tumblr, but it seems so interesting enough it's worth bringing up again, especially since this article goes into greater detail, and it reveals it'll only cost around $70)
--27 Science Fictions That Became Science Facts in 2012
--Should Buddhist Meditation Make You Happy? (I don't think I've read a better explanation of what meditation is supposed to do before, or what benefits it's supposed to bring)
--Hacking the Human Brain: The Next Domain of Warfare (DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:)
--No Longer Vaporware: The Internet of Things Is Finally Talking
--Videogames Do Belong in the Museum of Modern Art
--'Brighter than a full moon': The biggest star of 2013 could be Ison, the comet of the century
--Amazing new house proves that green doesn't have to mean expensive

Originally posted at http://quadruplify.dreamwidth.org/133242.html || Comments on original post:

environment, philosophy, omg the future, video games, holidays, astronomy, religion, science, psychology, technology, frustration, life, computers, art, yes!, links, design, tea, don't get any big ideas, depression, family, brooding

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