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al_sforzando - Evangelion: I first saw this series back when it was aired on Adult Swim in 2005. This is when I was just starting to get interested in anime; I had just seen a couple of episodes of Paranoia Agent on AS, and I thought to myself, "Hey, wait a second, this is totally different than what I'd expect from Pokémon or Dragonball Z!" Up until then I had either been ignoring or avoiding anime, so I started reading up on it on the Internet and Wikipedia, and started to become really fascinated and intrigued by it, by all the stories and art and potential it had. Evangelion was one of those titles that came up a lot of times, and when I heard AS picked it up I started recording it. And my 16-year-old mind was completely blown -- I'd never seen anything like it. This and Paranoia Agent got me really into anime -- which probably gave me unrealistic expectations, but whatever. =3 I'll be the first to admit this show has lots and lots of flaws -- poor storytelling style, religious imagery that's just there to look cool, tons of red herrings and things left unexplained and wall-bangers. But Evangelion will always be one of my, if not the, favorite anime, and perhaps TV shows in general. Its characters are among the most well-realized and realistic I've ever seen outside of books and literature; its art is spectacular for its time; it dares to take on heady psychological and philosophical themes; it breaks down mecha anime's clichés brilliantly; it completely breaks your expectations in ways very few other TV shows or movies ever could. It didn't make #10 on IGN's Top 100 Animated TV Series for nothing, you know. ;-) (Though how it got below Family Guy beats me, but that's for another time.)
- UC Gundam: I'll be entirely honest here: I've only seen the first seven episodes of the original 1979 TV series. *shot* And I don't even know what order UC goes in! I know there's a Zeta and a Double Zeta and a Char's Counterattack and maybe a Turn-A, but...yeah. I'm only starting to get into this one. 0079 was another title that came up often, and I'd always been meaning to see it. And when I heard a fansub group was subbing the remastered R2 DVDs coming out of Japan, I got my chance. I know, I know -- there's DVDs and fansubs already out, and if I really wanted to see it I'd go out and buy the damn series. I know the anime industry's in trouble right now, and I know I shouldn't be a leech, and I know better in general. There's a whole host of reasons I'd go into (poor college student, having a habit of being stingy, not wanting to plunk down money on something with no rewatch value), but that's neither here nor there. Even though I haven't seen much of this series yet, I'm hooked. And I definitely want more. And Char is such a queen. XD
- THE INTERNET: If you read any of my earlier journal entries here, I have an ambivalent attitude toward the Internet. It's probably because I spend 75-90% of my free time on it. It's patethic, I know, and I'm slowly trying to stop being so goddamned addicted. Of course, I credit all that time spent online to a lot of things. Back in middle school and early in high school, I was going through a bit of a religious crisis and became really interested in secular philosophies and deism and pantheism and good stuff like that -- and without the Internet as a valuable resource, allowing me to see multiple viewpoints about various things (even if they were complete nutsos), I wouldn't have been able to come to my own conclusions about said various things. I wouldn't have found out about all this great music you don't often hear about on the radio, or about all this great books and movies and anime, or about seldom-heard opinions and political viewpoints, if it weren't for this thing we called "teh intarwebs". On the other hand, there's *chans and trolling and insults and bullies and echo chambers and wank and drama and AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH. D: Oh Internet, I wish I could quit you. Well, only sometimes, that is.
- Fandom Secrets: Yeah, I like commenting here. Even if the secrets are variations of the same 5 or so themes, even if it tends to be populated with trolls, even if I tend to sound self-important. Sometimes it's fun to find out about new things or to see someone shares some obscure interest you have. (Though I haven't posted any comments the past two days -- nothing interesting, IMHO. )-: )
- Mecha stuff: Generally awesome. Though I haven't gotten in the habit of watching more mecha anime -- I probably need to do that. (Though I have seen Gurren Lagann -- which I somewhat enjoyed, but wouldn't consider all that great.) But when it comes to anime, as much as I love mecha, it's not the only thing I'll watch! If the premise sounds neat, I'll usually give it a spin -- I tend to be very picky when it comes to this sort of thing. (And I'm a bit of a Transfomers fan as well. Did you know there's TF Rule 34 out there? Yeah...O_o There was a time a couple of years ago when I didn't know better and read TF porn. Lots of it. While many people would be shocked/disgusted to find there's a LOT of it out there, I'm desensitized to it now. So...yeah. My little embarassing admission for the night. :3 )
And that's it, really. ;-)