"Senator No" is dead.

Jul 06, 2008 06:04

It's one thing to be a conservative - it's quite another to be an ignorant, Cross-burning hayseed more interested in promoting the agenda of your wealthy, corrupt, tobacco backers than the interests of your working-class constituents.  Jesse Helms never met a social program he wouldn't lambast.  AIDS funding?  Covered.  Recognition of Martin Luther King?  Covered.  Food Stamps?  Covered.

As chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he was instrumental in funding dictatorial regimes in Central Asia, Africa, and Central America, and as a five-time US Senator, he was a vocal opponent of rights for just about everyone who wasn't a white, Protestant, heterosexual male.

Jesse Helms gave conservatives everywhere a bad name.

Dying on the fourth of July was about the most patriotic thing that racist prig ever did.

The End.


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