Jan 16, 2008 00:24

That felt good! I had my Ancient History midterm this evening - which, in my opinion is a bad time to plan a midterm, and of course, all of mine are - and I think I did good. It was pretty much the big lines and almost all of them were knowledge questions instead of insight ones like on my AGN one. Which is useful when you've retained a large amount of subject almost word by word, though not as interesting. My writing hand is seriously out of practice though. Anyway, I feel great. Now, part of that is most likely due to the large amount of brownie I consumed afterwards, but certainly some of that was due to the midterm. Which is a large improvement over last week when after my Dutch History midterm, I felt completely drained. In fact, for one or two days afterwards, I felt almost sick, and certainly sickly energy-less. But enough twattering, point is that this one went well and the next one isn't until next week and I'm not even going to open my book for that one! A summary and notes will have to do, because there is no way I'm even trying to read through Tosh, it's incredibly boring and longwinded. And this was the best one they could find... And some grades would be nice too, finally. Counting this one, I now have four grades to get back, two of which from almost a month ago! But I mentioned an end to the twittering. Goodnight!


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