mmm I think I want to make this!

Nov 24, 2005 16:08

Her name was Mary, but we called her Granny. She lived through two world wars and the Depression, and with five children to rear on a meagre country parish minister's stipend, she learnt how to feed people simply and well. And quickly. Her hasty pudding recipe is written in a fine, beautiful script in an old exercise book, still treasured by our family. It's the sort of dessert Granny would whip up just before dinner and throw in the oven as her family sat down to eat, and it'd be ready a few minutes after first course was finished. It's not complicated, it's not fancy, it doesn't come out of the oven all neat and pretty, but it's kind of cakey and kind of biscuity, and with the addition of golden syrup it becomes sweet and sticky too.

Dave's granny's hasty pudding

1 tbsp butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
1 cup self-raising flour
1/4 cup milk
2 tbsp golden syrup, plus a little extra


· Preheat oven to 180C.

· Melt butter, add sugar and egg. Beat briskly then add flour, and then milk. Beat to batter consistency. Pour golden syrup into a buttered/greased small pie dish (my Granny used an old enamel baking dish that holds about two cups of liquid - it's important the dish is not too shallow and the batter not spread too thinly) and allow to settle, then pour batter on top of golden syrup.

· Bake for about 25-30 minutes. It should have a crisp, golden crust (almost biscuit-like) and a soggy bottom. Spoon straight from pie dish into bowls and serve with ice-cream or cream and a little extra golden syrup.

Serves 4.
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