F***ED up day at work

Oct 19, 2005 20:21

There's been a problem at work where some lady called and was just yelling everytime sommeone picked it was something like, "ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!"

I just got to work and so it was my turn to play, there were times when I wanted throw some ammo at her but I couldn't since it was a business. She was a vociferious and having a reprihensible attitude

I can't remember exactly how it went but,

Round 1
Me: "This is Classy Cuts how may I help you?"
Me: "Yes m'am"
Her: "I'm going to ask some questions and you're going to answer"
Me: "Yes m'am"
Her: Something I couldn't understand
Me: "Excuse me"
Her: "Don't disrespect me"
Me: "No m'am, I'm jus..."
Her: "NO I'm older than you, don't disrespect me, I'm ten steps ahead of you! How old are you?"
(OMG I so wanted to reply, "10 steps? There's only 5 in communicating, 'receiving, understanding, evaluating, remembering, and responding") But I was at work D:)
Me: "Excuse me? What was the question? If your business is not related to our business I'm going to ask you to hang up"
Her: "Are you understanding what I'm saying!?"
Me: "I'm sorry m'am but you're breaking up, I'm sorry I'm going to have to disconnect, you have a good evening"
*Hangs up*

3 minutes later
Round 2
Me: "Classy Cuts how may I help you?"
Her: "Am I disrespecting you?!"
Me: "No, m'am"
Her: "Then I'm going to ask some questions and you're going to answer, who are you?!"
I kind of got off from being professional which I shouldn't but I was aggrevated now
Me: "I'm sorry I'm a bit tired from school today I'm not in the mood for this kind of attitude while I'm at work"
Her: "What's your occupation"
(Now to make up some bullshit)
Me: "To abide by company policy, I'm not allowed to give any personal information about any employee"
Her: "How much do you make?, do you have a wife?"
Me: "To abide by company policy, I'm not allowed to give any personal information about any employee"
Her: Some crap I couldn't understand
Me: "Excuse me, is there anyone you want to speak to?"
Her: "Answer my question!"
Me: "M'am I'm going to ask you to hang up, you have a good evening"
*Hangs up*

5 minutes later
About the same thing

4 minutes later around 7:50pm
Mom: "Don't pick up the phone"
Me: "I know"
Mom: "It's 8:00pm we're closed"
*phone keeps ringing* and for sure I knew it was her

My mistakes, I should've not have given any information about my status, should've used miss instead of m'am, and should've used more academic words.

There were times when I just wanted to lash out repling to "Are you disrespecting me!" by saying, "Damn straight I am, welcome to the fucking United States of America, the world's largest Individualist community where we challenge our elders!!"

I'm still aggrevated about it, I mean it's a business. My parents are now considering getting caller ID for the salon. I swear, if it's that damn Great Clips that's about to open, there's going to be a law suit. There's got to be something in the FCC about this.
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