Ugh, I hate "politics", or whatever it is you want to call it.

Oct 31, 2006 00:46

This new stupid hot button issue about Michael J. Fox and Rush Limbaugh, which shouldn't be as wild and crazy as everyone is making it out to be... is so infuriating.

Some people are so quick to only see one side, their own sides, and blindly defend it without even possibly considering why someone else on the OTHER "side" said what he said. I'm not trying to defend either side in this case, both seem to have their wacky points especially in this case.
Someone on a message board put what I think sums up the problem pretty clearly:
"I think conservatives and liberals both need to get a lot more educated on the reasoning behind each other's views.

Michael J. Fox said it himself in the very interview that we're talking about right now: We need to respect each other's views (IF we've put honest thought into and behind our ideas)."

I've watched a few videos on this, watching what Rush said, and watching HOW news journalists very negatively reported on it, and I honestly think that both of them have their heads so far up their sides' asses that they don't even begin to consider that they may be wrong, and to step back and not be SO convicting when it's not yet possible to be so..... All in order to just continue gaining support for their side and getting pats on the back from people on their side?
It's true that a liberal or a conservative can actually just be a wacko who put no reasoning into what he says, but that's not he case for most popular politicians/journalists, is it?

No, I don't want to get into this debate about this particular case, as I said such things infuriate me. but I did think that it was important to realize this huge problem the two "sides" have with understanding eachother enough to have a real debate.
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