Feb 27, 2006 00:59
so i was thinking.. these are the default sites i check when coming online.
Myspace is where i go for pictures and fun comments. When I sign on and everything's lit like a christmas tree- that makes me happy. oooh! new friend requests! myspace is generally the whole package. too bad it's almost like a cult now. damn myspacers with their bathroom pictures and typical haircuts. I shouldn't talk since I rock it too. not the haircuts or bathroom angles, but you know what I mean.
Xanga is where i go to read about my inner circle and for my inner circle to see my pictures. plus, they deliver my words to your emails. doesn't get better than that. I also like posting there more since I get to save while I go and it sure helps when one is posting extensive coding.
livejournal is where I go to copy and paste previous posts from xanga. I tend to not use it so much since no one comments and one wonders if their words are being heard. it's also where i go for what seems like the heavy drama of woodbridge. my own soap opera, if you will. Also, I can't leave lj since it was my first online journal. I've been on this bad boy since...2000 or 1999. hot damn.
throw in a couple picture [inertia], news, and general whathaveyou sites and bob's your uncle.
I really didn't have a point to this post. just typing. typing makes me happy. 80 words a minute baby. that's right, go cry in your cereal bowls.
donnie's current bulletin survey highlights:
would you: Put your tongue on a frozen pole: i wouldnt put my tongue on any kinda fuggin pole