(no subject)

Jan 13, 2008 23:15

i should be getting to bed. i have class tomorrow. yipeee. i'm still deciding on whether or not that's sarcasm.

i want my nose to be in a book again. i like feeling like i'm good at something. lately, i haven't.

em's getting older. nine months on thursday. it's NUTS! ashley's emma is ten months! this whole time flew by. emeri's growing up too fast. he's cruising along the couches and climbing onto everything, and likes to play on his own a lot. he'll get a toy and bring it to me, and then go fetch another, but that's pretty much all he likes to do with me. that and sleep and eat. it's silly, but i feel he's phasing me out already! like, "he doesn't need me anymore! he's all grown up!" which isn't true, because he needs me like a fat kid needs cake, but he doesn't need me, need me. and it makes me a sad jacqui. : (

this weekend was philip's weekend with emeri. i was convinced into going to austin with my mother and her husband and samantha, so that samantha [who was grounded and HAD to go] wouldn't be in a bad mood the whole time. the whole trip was for my step-sister's shotgun wedding in bastrop. my sister and i are not that close to the step half of our family, so we spent the entire day on the drag shopping. it was great, and i had fun, but i wish i was at home the entire time.

i did get to go to veggie heaven and was hoping to procure a free key chain, but they were out and gave me some tootie frutie flower hangy thing. lame.
so, i bought a shirt, instead.

other stories of that. and pictures. i wish i had taken more, but i didn't. i'm not the same with picture taking anymore, and not only does it sadden me, but i'm sure it saddens some people who looked forward to my picture posts. like max pierce. i'm sure he doesn't read livejournal anymore, but i know he always liked them. and my journal isn't exciting, important or even relevent to people and i know it really felt like my journal was something other than waste on peoples' friends' pages. so, apologies. maybe i'll take some random pictures throughout tomorrow to spice up the upcoming picture post.
i'll SUPRISE you.

oh, again to not knowing if i'm excited about this term or not. last semester i took a lot of fun classes. algebra, psychology - much fun. CST - more fun. history, speech - whatever. this semseter, i'm taking my least favorite classes. HISTORY. ENGLISH. BIOLOGY. GOVERNMENT. i take that back, i like government. and it's not that i DON'T like english, because i love grammar and i LOVE writing, but i hate literature. well, reading something i'm not into because i have to.
i'm really picky when it comes to the novels i read. i'm a novel snob.
but i hate history. and biology is a lot of memorization, and i'm so not looking forward to that.

and, uh, that's pretty much it. emeri has to go back to day care. suckfest. back to runny noses and days of No Naps, again. bummer city.

staying home with emeri has lead me a lot of time NOT to eat. i usually like to eat WITH him, because if i'm eating around him, he sees i'm eating and grabs food out of my hand. so, we had breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. except, i was full-time feeding him and part-time feeding myself during these meals of 15 minutes, so i was mostly snaking all the time. little snacks. and now my stomach has shrunk to something of a horrible small amount, because i can't even binge on two whole pancakes without getting stomach cramps. which sucks.
because pancakes are the best.

i've also OFFICIALLY lost my 60 lbs. of baby weight. which brings me at a grand finale of 120, i think. i haven't weighed myself since friday. or saturday. or something. but, that's just what i guesstimated my starting weight was. because, really, at conception, i believe i was around 112.
and what bugs me the most is that i don't look any thing like 120.
which totally takes all the gratification of losing the weight.

which brings me to my final point: i hate the fact that i used to be REALLY skinny - because that's all i can think about.
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