Quacked on Etsy!

Oct 07, 2010 18:14

Woohoo, I finally got around to setting up a store on Etsy. Here--> http://www.etsy.com/shop/quacked

Convention customers sometimes ask if I have an Etsy or recommend I get one to increase exposure. And since the holiday season is approaching, and my stuff is giftable and pretty wrapable, I thought now was a good time to start. I don't have every single design uploaded onto my Etsy, yet, but I'm adding a few things every day or two. Some of my new items, which are still unavailable on my website store, can be found on Etsy. For example....

Sandwich Keychains! I'm hungry...

Cheese Sandwich featured here. <3 Look how happy they are! They want to be digested.


(I recommend you don't actually eat these guys. They're not edible.)

Fluffy Bunnies (in various colours)! This plush fabric is so slippery and hard to work with compared to my usual fleece, but I love it! These bunnies are currently my favourite Quacked! plushie set. They have a cute story, and I love their little Omnomnom mouths. And yeah, they're soft and fluffy. *drool* I'm so keeping one of these dudes for myself.

White Fluffy Bunny featured here.


My revamped Baby Tofu Bunnies! They used to have > x < faces, but I redesigned them slightly with black safety eyes instead of sewn on eyes. I also added keychains to give them more functionality. ;D These are consistently popular at conventions, so I keep making them.

More Tofu Bunnies! Each is a different flavour and comes with a nutritional information name tag.

Raw Tofu: http://www.etsy.com/listing/58092905/raw-baby-tofu-bunny

Rotten Tofu: http://www.etsy.com/listing/58174547/rotten-baby-tofu-bunny

etsy, news, baby tofu bunnies, sandwich keychains, fluffy bunnies

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