1x1 Interest Check (Repost)

Mar 13, 2022 17:09

About Me:
- 22
- located within the CST timezone
- I average 1000+ maybe even 2000+ words per post, doesn't matter how many characters I'm playing.
- active and flexible
- write mainly female and non-binary characters (masc and fem presenting). I do not play men if we are not doubling.
- writes multiple characters
- Will not write (in detail) rape, child abuse, animal abuse.

About you:
- 18+ (I will not rp with minors)
- 500+ words per reply
- write male, female, or non-binary (masc and fem presenting) characters
- Active/Enthusiastic (I try to reply once a day or two to three times a week. Not saying you have to, I just personally have a lot of spare time on my hands.)
- Friendly/Enjoys OOC (I love becoming friends with my rp partners.)
- Can write multiple characters

Do's and Don'ts:
(Please read this part!)


- Send me an introduction as soon as I add you on discord. Or as soon as you email me. (Include if you are uncomfortable with smut)
- Be ok with writing darker subjects
- Be open and honest with me
- Brainstorm and work with me on ideas
- Contact me if you have similar interests as me
- Inform me if you lose interest in the rp


- Be an asshole
- Be unwilling to help brainstorm
- Provide no ooc
- Ghost and or block without reason
- Force NSFW or dark subjects


( Collapse )

I don't like being picky on the rp style of my partners, though I am a bit tired of doing 1 to 3 paragraph rps that just don't have the kind of detail I enjoy.
I'd personally enjoy someone who could write with detail, I do prefer you write 3+ paragraphs per response or just per character. I don't mind spelling mistakes since everyone is human, though I ask of you not to use text talk during rps.

I myself write 3rd person, multipara, past tense, you get the picture. I've been rping for around 9 years and generally have had this style for 4 out of the 9 years I have. I like to describe my character's thoughts, feelings, body language, etc. when responding to an action or a scene. That being said even if I am not describing characters I just like putting detail into the work around the characters.

I myself also try and write detailed characters. Even if their sheet is bare-bones (if we decide on just basic character sheets) I still tend to put detail into them. I don't ask the same, but it is preferred.


I don't ask that you respond every day, it may start out with responses every day and then go to a couple of times a week which is fine. I don't have a schedule for rps, nor do I want one. If you get busy, you get busy, if you have shit going on, that's fine shit happens.
I do ask you to be honest if you are busy and won't be able to rp for a day or two, maybe even a week.
I also ask you don't ghost, I get if you can't rp for a while, frankly, some of my own rps right now are just OOC because one of us is a bit busy and can't rp.
I love OOC just as much as rp so it doesn't bug me if that occurs.

What I am looking for:

I am looking for original roleplays and fandom roleplays!
Both will be listed below. Bold fandoms mean I would really like to do them.

Who can I play for you?: Anyone! Though I'm very good at playing Zoro Roronoa, Nami, Nico Robin, Trafalgar Law, Portgas D. Ace, Monkey D. Luffy, Sabo
Who I'd like you to play for my oc: Sanji & Usopp, no questions about that!
[Canon SHips]Nico Robin x Franky
Nami x Sanji 

Who I can play for you?: Anyone really, I'm good at Josuke and Jotaro
Who I'd like you to play for my oc: Okuyasu, Bruno

Who can I play for you?: Nathan Explosion, Toki Wartooth, Skwisgaar, Charles Ofdensen
Who I'd like you to play for my oc: William Murderface or Pickles the Drummer

˚⁀➷ [BNHA]
Who I can play for you?: Not picky about who I play
Who I'd like you to play for my oc: Tenya Iida, Shinso Hitoshi, Izuku Midoriya

˚⁀➷ [AMB]
Who I can play for you: Anyone that isn't Elias
Who I'd like you to play for my oc: Elias
Canon Ships: Chise x Elias

Who can I play for you?: Anyone, just ask
Who I'd like for you to play for my oc: Eric Cartman

Who I can play for you?: Anyone, I don't care on this fandom
Who I'd like for you to play for my oc: Nekomaru Nidai

Who can I play for you?: Anyone, but I'm great at Dean
Who I'd like you to play for my oc: Sam Winchester, Lucifer, or Gabriel

Who can I play for you?: Anyone
Who I'd like you to play for my oc: Sherlock himself

˚⁀➷ [MARVEL]
Who I can play for you?: Anyone anyone
Who I'd like for my oc: Thor Odinson, Doctor Otto Octavious, Eddie Brock/Venom

˚⁀➷ [TEEN TITANS 2003-2006]
Who I can play for you?: Anyone

Who I'd like you to play for my oc: Cyborg, or you can convince me otherwise

Who can I play for you?: Anyone
Who I'd like you to play for my oc: Shane, Elliot, or Alex

Who can I play for you?: Anyone
Who I'd like you to play for my oc: I got a list I can send in DMS since there are many au's of this fandom

˚⁀➷ [FALLOUT 4]
Who can I play for you?: Anyone
Who I'd like you to play for my oc: Preston Garvey

˚⁀➷ [ARCANE]
Who can I play for you?: Anyone
Who I'd like you to play for my oc: Claggor!

Who can I play for you?: Anyone with reason
Who I'd like you to play for my oc: Jason Voorhees and Candyman at the moment

Who I can play for you?: Anyone really, I don't mind!
Who I'd like you to play for me: I actually don't have canon characters for this fandom I would like. But I'd be ok doing some oc x oc

Who I can play for you?: As someone who religiously studied this fandom in the past I can safely say I can roleplay anyone.
Who I'd like you to play for me: I wouldn't mind Slenderman he's about the only character I actually still enjoy. But I also love oc x oc for this fandom!

˚⁀➷[RE 7&8]
Who I can play for you?: Anyone! Just ask
Who I'd like you to play for me: Lucas Baker and or Carl Heisenberg, I also accept oc x oc here


'The Curse'
MxF - Supernatural/Thriller
Muse A and Muse B are local college students that have known each other since high school. Muse A is an honor student who occasionally goes out partying with her friends. She has never particularly enjoyed them and has only stuck around because Muse B is still her best friend. Muse B on the other hand is not an honor student, well below keeping a C average in classes. He's mainly out portraying himself as a self-absorbed asshole. On Halloween, the group of friends, including Muse A and B, set out to explore the old manor of the town. It had been abandoned since the late 1900s and was heard to be haunted. Upon getting inside the mansion, the age-old 'let's split up' tactic was used. But what would happen when the group realizes by splitting up the ancient evil of the home was about to get started?

'Away From Home'
(Any Gender Paring, except MxM) - Isekai/Adventure
Muse A is a lonely person, with not many friends in or out of school. The only friends they had were the people in their game. They had been playing this game for months and sadly no one ever really knew about it, guess it was more of underground work. One day after coming home from school and sitting down in front of the computer they owned, something wasn't right. It wouldn't turn on and finally, when it did, it burst into millions of pieces. As they shielded their face they felt warm sun rays on their skin, instead of the darkness of their room. When their eyes opened it was almost like they were in a whole new world, or one they had seen on their computer scene. Cue Muse B, a character within the game, one that was known as the main 'protagonist' alongside the character you play. Muse B seemed overjoyed when you arrived, come to find out they need your help to save the world they lived in.

(Any Gender Pairing, expect MxM) - Isekai/Thriller
Muse A hates just about everything in the world they live in. They don't fit in, they don't feel like they belong, and feel as if they should leave. Muse A finds a way to slip into a parallel universe after reading a few old books in the local library. Everything seems great in their new home, they're loved by everyone and don't feel out of place. Well until they started trying to kill Muse A, turns out they didn't slip into the right dimension. Muse B, is a character that was once like Muse A. They live in the world Muse A originally lived in and experienced what Muse A is going through. When Muse B finds out someone else slipped into a world they belong in they tasked themself to go save them. Now all the two need to do is figure out how to get back home when the creatures start to catch on.

'After The Bombs Dropped'
MxF, FxF, or NBxF - Post-Apocalyptic/Possibly Found Family if you don't want romance

Muse A is a lab-grown human living in the wastes of the world. She is partially immortal because of the experiment she was born from and has been watching the world re-grow since she escaped maybe 100 to 600 years ago. The dates all melt in your mind after a while. The day she came across Muse B, would be interesting, to say the least. Muse B was born to a raider clan that went missing a while back. Muse B seemed to be the only survivor hiding the mystery of what happened to their family and friends. They ended up stumbling upon Muse A while running from something completely unknown. They ended up getting saved by Muse A, which she promptly took them in after the meeting. The two had been exploring the wasteland together for a few months after that. Until the day they stumbled across a part Muse A didn't even know.

'Most Feared Killer'
MxM or NBxM - Crime/Drama/Possibly Found Family if you don't wanna do romance
Muse A is new to Japan and the wonders of the country. They hadn't been here for long but were more or less excited to start their new life. Until the day they were faced with a dilemma, they had been involved in a murder. Muse B is an immortal man who's been roaming the earth for 671 years after being cursed back in 1351. He originally wanted to live a normal life, after all, he had a kid originally. Until she was killed by people suspecting of his immortality. From that day on Muse B vowed to kill anyone who met his 'scum bag' criteria. One day when he was actively minding his business he noticed something. Muse A struggling against a perpetrator, this was his kind of work. He ended up killing the perp, and Muse A took part in it. It wouldn't be long before the cops came so the two had to run off together. Would they end up being criminal buddies? Or was Muse A gonna betray the secret of Muse B.

'Together Again'
MxF - SoL
Muse A is a college student who recently graduated and came back to his home town he hadn't been to in a good 6 years. Muse A used to have a best friend in high school who he loved so dearly. After talking to many family and friends I got horrible news, Muse B lost her memories in a car wreck and didn't remember him. Muse B works at the local comic book store and has been thriving since her accident. She'd been slowly regaining her memories over the years and was trying to make a come back. She had gone to the college in their hometown and graduated before their accident with a Bachelor's degree. Muse A came to visit her one day at work and tried to get her to remember him. Muse B couldn't for the life of her and felt awful for not being able to. She gave Muse A her number and said to just keep in touch with her. Muse A then got an idea, if she couldn't remember him they would have to make new memories.

'Alone At Sea'
MxF, FxNB - Fantasy/Pirates/Action-Adventure
Muse A is a famous pirate captain that has quite a high bounty over her head. She's known to be cunning and cruel to those outside of her crew. Muse A once had a life before her pirate days came and no one truly knows much about it, except for Muse B. Muse B isn't anyone famous, nor infamous, but just a regular person living their life in a village they've never seen the outside of. Muse B grew up with Muse A and once she left they never thought they would see her again. Until the day Muse B's village was burnt to the ground while they were taken as a hostage. There wasn't hope for survival until a familiar face came to save the day, one Muse B thought they'd never see again even in a situation like this,
"I can't believe this happened, you'll be staying with me from now on."

MxF, FxNB, FxF - Modern/Thriller
Muse A is a college sophomore that recently moved into the dorms of their select college. Muse A has always had a lot of friends and been the subject of people’s attention. Their a smart and kind student who’s always been more than happy to help people they care about. But something has been going on recently that has made Muse A a bit wary of people. That something being Muse B. Muse B is a loner going to the same school as Muse A. They’ve always been smart, but lack the ability to make friends, until Muse A started being friendly towards them. That’s when Muse B gained the object of their affection and was more than willing to go to great length to prove it. Like becoming Muse A’s personal stalker.

Discord: 【Ghost】#0420
Email: Tatortotmania@gmail.com


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