I just found this nifty new game that is part the "be-jeweled"; clear the board, puzzle type game and part "warcraft"; choose which minions to create based on available resources and destroy you enemy. The atmosphere feels a little "A Series of Unfortunate Events" (the books, oh so different in feel than the movie) meets "Harry Potter"in that the Head of the school, the mentor has been killed and now there is a strong rivalry between two students and things just keep getting worse and the humor is dark.
Nice game play. I like that it stretches the multi-tasking brain muscles that in me are SO weak because you need to be able to think on different levels and are constantly solving at least two sets of problems at once; they seem to add more layers as one goes on. The story is good. Imagery dark; after all you are a student necromancer. The game may take some time depending on how skilled you are or how well and how fast your brain processes multiple levels.
Corpse Craft (um not sure why that link above isn't working as intended... it still works but I am too tired to figure it out now.)