I saw something on T.V. recently and got all excited about E-85.
A blend of Ethanol 85% to Gasoline 15%. It looked like an alternative
fuel that is completely renewable, cost effective and more gentle on the
So why haven't we done this before? Is there a Catch?
You betcha!To summarize, this solution has actually driven prices
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Hitting people in the wallet is not making a difference, honestly. I couldn't imagine spending $100 or more a week just to fill my gas tank, but I know so many people that do.
And mass-transit is a wonderful idea, but not very popular because we've become spoiled to a system of convenience. With your own car you can travel at your lesiure instead of on someone else's schedule. I actually looked into taking the bus to get around town here. But the closest bus stop to my house is over two miles, and the schedule only has busses running between the hours of 8 am and 6 pm. Ummm, I have to be at work by 7, and I don't get out until after 6:30. So, for all it's worth, it's useless in so many instances. Besides, I can't see myself schlepping my groceries 2 miles.
I think the biggest answer to conservation is re-aligning the american attitude of greed and selfishness to better mesh with the rest of the world. In other words-we need to get our heads out of our asses!
You make your point succinctly,
(I tend to be verbose)
and I couldn't agree more!
BTW who are you?
(http://www.villageofbayberry.com/). I would love to see it built, but ONLY if it has connections to DART and the train that they are proposing between Wilmington and Dover. Also, if they build Bayberry, they need to leave the area around preserves and un-built-upon. It won't happen, sprawl will continue with a town in the middle, just like the Ardens, Bellefonte, Elsmere, Newport, even Odessa nowadays. Well...there's my rant : )
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