DUDE!!!! So, I am finally updating after soooooooo many months of just being plain ass lazy. Today is fucking Spring Day at Bentley and April is here helping me celebrate... woot woot, you heard me. But i hav eto sptart misplesinng stuff cuz i said so.. and im sick of using th ebackspace key... it is rather anoything, just another juselless keey.
PS april's eyes are bleeding and she just hit her head on the wood. ha ha ha ha ha tis much fun... woot woot.
IT means information technology... it really does but april keeps pronouncing it like the work "it" but it is not "it" it is "IT" which means information technology.
turtlesa are fun in the sun when they run with the bun and have fun with their sons... woot woot.
AND.... i sing jazz because i am a spazz with a mazz and some grass... fazille my bizzle.. i think... sure that sounds good cuz april says so.
and what april says goes... to your mom..
bb in a minute we are watching a fun cartoon online... here us hould watch it too
http://www.oddtodd.com/index777.html and then go eat ur cupcake sandwiches cuz we are all overqualified for the job... u know what i meaN ... I WANT CRUNCH BERRIES LIKE WOAHH
the end... stay tuned for more... maybe...
suzie xoox :)