Just another day...

Jul 02, 2003 18:39

So I guess its been awhile since my last update... I know this cuz I just got yelled at today to update my friggin journal already... happy april ;) LOL.

Anyway nothing much has been happening. I'm finally out of my summer courses and I got a 3.7 in my AIS course now all I need to know is what I got in my GB301 course. Besides that I've been trying to enjoy the rest of my last free summer. I say its my last free summer cuz next summer I start my Grad courses, then the summer after I finish my Grad courses, then the next summer I will be working full-time... wow I feel old already!!!

Been hanging out a lot lately. Hung out with Jon and Erich and two of their friends one night at Jon's. Went to the Bleu concert with Eddie, that was fun!!! I do have to say that they come in a close second to Save Ferris!!! Was also introduced to another really good band called Mappari. Hung out with Erich, Jamie, April, Colleen, Eddie, and Jen another night at Jamie's apartment and watched Swordfish. I'VE MISSED MY APRIL LIKE YEAH!!! So good to see that Biatch!!! Also went to the mall the other night with Erich Jamie and Eddie. That was fun... although Erich tried to steal my Hackers DVD... but alas it didn't work out for him. Jamie and I also got to watch the two of them at the Driving Range... that was a good laugh for the two of us. Last night I went to the beach with Mauricio for a good couple hours. It was so nice out last nite up there.

Besides that I got some good news today at work... I switched shifts with this girl Katie on Friday the 4th of July... she is working my night shift and I'm opening the restaurant that day for her. Awesome... now I get a life on the 4th of July!!! This is a good thing since I'm working tomorrow @ 12, Saturday double, Sunday off cuz going to concert with Mauricio, Monday @ 5, Tuesday double, and how nice of them they gave me Wednesday off. Tomorrow night shall be a great time. Hanging with April and Ray and going to see a movie... I miss them peeps!!! Might meet up later with some others for a drink... not too sure though after what happened last Thursday night... and if you don't already know I'm not telling you...

Anyway right now I'm just waiting for Mauricio to show up I guess we are going to the New England Drag Races on rt. 125. Should be fun. Well I'm just gonna leave ya with a few quizzes that I dug up from others livejournal entries... I hope you enjoy!!! And all you out there... CALL MY ASS!!!

Your Sexual Energy is Green!

Your sexual energy is rich, serene, and abundant like the natural world.

You are always feeling your sexual aura flow through you, like a stream.

Rarely do you go anywhere without it.

You seduce people with your luxurious glow.

You do not have to be obvious to express your sexuality.

Others just feel your serene sexual power that resides within.

First dates are a mental dance for you - as you subtly seduce potential lovers.

In bed, you can easily sense your lovers needs and to flow them as needed.

This spiritual click is your primary sexual strength.

However, sometimes you allow your carnal appetite to go too far, and you forget to be cautious.

While it's awesome and totally liberating to release your inner wild woman... watch out!

Sometimes your pheromones may mislead you.

Check out Natalie Portman and Julia Stiles for some green sexual energy guidance.

When it comes to the hot matches, people who have shades of red, yellow, and pink are strong possibilities.

What Color is Your Sexual Energy?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

So thats it for now... but guess what... there is this cop right outside my house at that sharp curve standing behind a tree trying to bust people for speeding... how crazy... right outside my house... its fun to watch...

Anyway ttyl and call my ass NOW

Ciao and Chiz and Luv

Suzie xoxo ;)
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