Jun 06, 2005 00:27
why is it so hard for a lot of ppl to tell their crush they like them?? that question has stumped me for years an i still haveno clue! i wish it was as simple as sayin hey i like you but it isn't!! their is so much peer pressure on teens these days on who their g/f or b/f is that teens are afraid to tell someone that they like him/her because that person may not be "popular" which i think is so stupid!! who cares who you like! itz ur life an no one can tell who you like!!!
today i went to woek at 10:30 an i felt like i got there at 6:00 this mornin an it took 7 o'clock to get here so slow but then i had to wait 'til 7:30 b/c they forgot to give their lunch but oh well it just means $$$$$$$ which is AWESOME!! i <3 money who doesn't love money!! an i hate that they are hirin more cashiers because that means that lauren gets less hours but oh well i'm trainin for the Service Center which is pretty!!