Jul 18, 2005 22:02
SuMmer Camp is FuNn!!...ii Get 2 SeE aLL My FrieNds!!...
*Amanda Q
*Alex Cruz
ii MeT aLot oF New FriEnds to0!!...
*Alex S
Emilyy && Fausto are going out...aNd SaMi has a b/f!! ii 4got his name but hes kiinda cute and he lives in Colombia but she says he comes back every 2 weeks. aww...iim Happy 4 her!! Catherine isnt going 2 Heat Camp n-e more..but at least i`ll be w. Susana!! YAY!! Susana`s BaQ 4rm Colombia..ii have 2 call her about her Party...ii keep forgetting. But We`ll have it...Shadia,Nati && Beanie`s ALL WhiTe Partyy iS guNNa Be FuNn!! ii FinALLy Get 2 See StephaNie && TaYLor!!...iM gOing 2 Stephanie`s BatMitZvAh!!!...Yesterdayy ii went w. Nikki && Noelle 2 the Destiny`s Child Concert!!..iT wAs AweSum!!..SO0O0O0O MUCH FUN!! We to0k CrAzYy PiCtuRes aNd MaDe PoSteRs..lol BuT whEn We GoT inSiDe We WeRe EmBarrAsSed 2 PuT thEm uP!!!..lol HAPPY BiRTHDAY ADRiANA!!!!!!!!!!!!! ADriAna && DanieLLe CAmeOvEr My HouSe oN SaTUrdAy..iT wAs FuNn!!..iM PaRt oF thE SiStEr hO0d Of tHE trAveLinG brA...lol w. anOther GirL CaLLed AndrEa But ii dOnt knOw HeR...GLoRiA iS gOinG OuT w. JoRgE...go0d LuCk 2 ThEm!!...ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......CaRo`s iN BrAziL...DaNi`s iN MeXicO...OoOo..My FrEnCh ExChaNGe StuDent CaMe 2 My HouSe aLReaDy...SheS co0L...My BroTher LeFt 2 ChiNA!!..lol RaNDom but hE Did..He LeFt w. HiS SchOoL...i`ll pOst 2moRroW <3