Sep 15, 2003 09:27
Yeah, so I think that I'm officialy certifiable. What do you think? I mean, I'm so pathetic and crazy it's not even funny. I need some serious mental health attention pronto. I'm getting like obsessed with Big Red and I don't even know him. I think it's just because he's giving me attention that I haven't had in a really long time. I had a conversation with him last night about that shit and he made it clear that he didn't want any sort of relationship, which is fine, cause neither do I really but he was really giving me mixed signals and shit. So pretty much I have no clue what is going on with the two of us. I guess it's sort of a friends with benefits thing. I mean, he said that I'm so cool and he likes hanging out with and shit but he doesn't want a relationship. He sort of reminds me of Noel in that sense except for that the fact that I got Noel to admit that he wanted a relationship with me but he just can't have one because of the distance. But yeah, so Big Red and I are strictly FB's. But then at the same time I have all this other shit that I have to deal with. The other day I told Noel that I was going to see him in a few weeks and he said ok but then I sent him an IM telling him to let me know if the weekend that I picked was good for him but he responded that he didn't want me to spend money to come visit him. In all honesty, it's really expensive but I'll pay it every once in a while. I'm not going to do it everyday but every few months I will. Doesn't he want me to come see him? Or is he starting to change his mind just because we haven't spoken to eachother in a while. I should call him. Too bad that I can't call him toinight though because I promised Big Red that I would watch Monday night football with him and we're gonna order chinese food. And oh yeah, I've been speaking to Marco recently. He's been all emotional and shit telling me that he misses me and that he messed up and just wants to see me and see what happens from there and all this shit that's just really confusing me because I like Big Red, I'm falling for Noel and I still love Marco. I've also been missing Luke lately. The other day we were talking online and he said that he thinks about me sometimes. It's just weird. All these thoughts runnign through my head at once, it's really driving me crazy. That's why I need help. Take me away.