Feb 21, 2003 12:20
so yeah, 2day i am in a way better mood, other thaen the fact that every1 is leaving me!!!!!!!!
i mean i know its a vaccation, but good grief, does every1 have 2 go sumwhere hot and/or nice and fun!!!!!!
i mean sparkys goin 2 lyke wyoming, or sumplace lyke that, katy and kristin r goin 2 florida, matts goin 2 the bahamas, max is going 2 florida, megans goin 2 california, and loads of other people r goin fun places, where is robyn going...NO WHERE!!!!
oh well, Robyn will have amanda w/ her, and ashley, so thats the good thing!!!!
so ya im bored, wat a supprise, so im gonna go and clean my room, yesssssss...NOT!!!!(i cant even remember wat color my carpet is, coz its so messy!!!)
so tty all later
Buh bye,
Robyn xoxoxoxox