Aug 05, 2004 09:57

I have the alarm on my phone set to go off every morning at 9. But I don't usually, actually EVER, get up when I hear it. So last night I decided that I should let myself get in at least one more undisturbed hour of sleep so I bumped it back so it would go off until 10. And uh what happend...oh yes...I woke up at 9:32 and could not stop sneezing. From when I started counting (which was a couple sneezes in) I counted 12 sneezes before I got my ass out of bed. In the course of less than 3 minutes, I sneezed 12 times...WHO DOES THAT?!? It's now like 10:02 and I still can't really stop sneezing. It's sooo annoying. Sneezing is one of my top 5 lest favorite things to doo EVER...and I woke up to it, and can't stop. I hate when days start out crappy. It like leaves absolutely no hope for the rest of the day. I can usually tell how I'm going to feel on any given day by the way I feel when I wake up. blub blub...the moral of the entry is I hate sneezing and today is probably going to suck.
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