"It's a gift. Never lend a book." Wise words.
I recently bought two books for the second time because I missed them after lending them to friends. One is "Animals in Translation", which is a book about animals written by an autistic woman with lots of experience with animals and some interesting insights.
http://www.grandin.com/inc/animals.in.translation.htmlI think this book started my somewhat recent interest in animals.
Another is "Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature", which is all about how sex is the best thing to ever happen to organisms. I guess the whole book is online, which I just discovered while looking for a good description-type page. $15 wasted.
http://books.google.com/books?id=fHnBMyxYXX4C&dq=%22red+queen%22&pg=PP1&ots=czALMjQocC&sig=IUTwXEizioiQwhQrWFE2X9FFg6s&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result#PPP1,M1 I was talking about these books a bit last weekend on a camping trip I took up to Lincoln, NH. That was a fun trip. I swam in a river for the first time and this one was pretty exciting. The river was very rapid and dangerous because of all the rain that occured the week before the trip. I heard that someone lost their life in that river earlier that week. I can definately see that happening because once it swept you away there was tons of rocks and such. Fun though!
Other than River of Death there was also drinking and a tossing game like horseshoes called Kuub.
http://www.oldtimegames.com/?gclid=CJSe7r2tgZUCFQOIFQodJRRprAThe point is to knock down wooden cubes with wooden dowals and then eventually take out the King, a slightly larger cube. No matter what the tactic or strategy, these things had a mind and uncomprehensible pattern all their own, so it was fun. That was the last fun thing I got to do before I headed back to work.
So far it's slow, but in a week or so the student body will return and things will get kicking again. We're still missing an evening cashier, the same job I started out with here (and also the sweetest job), but I bet they'll find someone for that soon.
Dark Knight rules. I've seen it twice already and hope to see it some more. I even watched some of Batman Begins last night but the Olympic opening ceremonies held my attention a little bit better. "When I commented about the over 15,000 performers at the opening ceremonies the guy said with straight deadpan, 'well, we have the people.'" - tv announcer
I'm house sitting for the Listers this weekend. I'm going to try to find a nice cat toy for the beast. It usually takes a couple of days for her to warm up to me, but that isn't very warm. I'll just have to see how it goes.