Here's a novel idea. If you, as a judge, are trying to pick twelve jurors in a reasonable period of time, maybe history lessons are not the way to go. Honestly. The judge spent five to ten minutes before every point he made rambling about random stuff. Sometimes it had vague connections, like the whole story about the pilgrims coming over as they fled oppression, setting up the colonies, having the Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre, fighting the Revolutionary War, establishing the Constitution, the uncertainties about it, which states were the last to ratify, etc, etc, in order to tell us why "innocent until proven guilty" is so important to the country.
End result? He took too long, and all sixty of us have to go back on Monday morning. Ridiculous.
Then, on the way home, the southbound freeway onramp out of Martinez was closed. Well, the detour (if there was one...) wasn't marked well--I saw a sign for a "truck detour," but it seemed to head towards a fence, so I didn't take it. As I continued on along the outer edges of Martinez I thought to myself, "Well, maybe I'll just go one more exit, get off, and get back on going the right way."
Next exit is after the Benicia Bridge. Wasted four dollars and about fifteen minutes on that excursion.
Oh, and one of my ex-boyfriends' dads was at jury duty. I avoided him until after lunch, when he sought me out and talked to me for quite awhile. Good thing I get along with him better than his son, these days.
At least when I got home, I had something enjoyable to do.
Next year, Mandi, Ryan, and I will have a cat moving in with us. Mandi and I went to meet Corazon, our kitty of choice, at the local SPCA. We originally wanted a kitten (of course), but then we realized that it'd probably be easier to deal with an older cat, what with classes and such. Plus, then we'd know we had one with a friendly personality, etc. Corazon is eight years old, and has been at the shelter for over a year because despite being just about the sweetest cat alive, no one will adopt him because of his age. But, NO MORE. He is going to be our cat in a matter of days.^^
This is Corazon.
He is very pretty. And cuddly. He was playing on a cat tree when we went into the room to meet him, and immediately he came over to bump his head against my hand and rub against me. He's a sucker for being petted--he always wants to be next to you and be touched and loved. This is a great cat, seriously. Almost as good as a small dog, except that I can't touch my face after touching him. Right now he's their office cat, and he walks around on the keyboard if he wants more attention.
Corazon used to be fat, but then he lost a lot of weight, so now he has a pouchy belly (much like Lucy).
Pouchy belly! It's all loose skin; he's a big cat, but he's fairly trim. The photo is blurry because I didn't want to scare him but using flash. Still, you get the idea.
And finallyyyy...
A short video of Corazon cleaning, from my soundless camera.
This is so exciting.^^ We're going back Saturday, when Ryan's visiting.
Sunday I'm working for nine hours. Joy.